Student Essay on A Solution to the Problem of Accidents in Parking Garages

A Solution to the Problem of Accidents in Parking Garages

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The primary goal of our initial design was to solve the existing problem of cars exiting parking garages and the safety of the drivers and also, and more importantly the pedestrians who may be traveling in front of these garages. Our design entails using multiple sensors to detect when a pedestrian, biker or other object is approaching the opening of a garage and thus setting off a warning system to alert oncoming drivers. Current warning systems fail in that they warn drivers at all times and not just when there is a person coming, and many times people ignore these false alarms. Our system would make it so that anytime a person sees a warning they will know that a pedestrian is approaching and they will be able to take the actions needed to avoid this person.

The benefits of this system would be that it could potentially save lives by avoiding deadly collisions between drivers and oncoming pedestrian traffic near garages. A usage scenario of our device would be as follows: One of our group members was riding his bike near a garage in the city, when suddenly when passing in front of the garage a car came out and struck him. Luckily for this man the car was able to stop before doing great damage, but for many others the situation is far graver.

The system we have proposed would use sensors to sense oncoming pedestrians, then would rely the approximate location of the pedestrian with relation to the garage opening, giving the driver the information needed to proceed justly. This proposed system uses a high tech warning system to help save the lives of unsuspecting pedestrian and the human life value alone was a reason enough for use to help solve this problem.