Student Essay on Alexander the Villain

Alexander the Villain

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Alexander the Villain

Alexander the Great was a greedy, horrible leader. He did a great deal of things that would be frowned upon today. Alexander the Great was not great at all; he was a voracious and hardhearted human. For example, Alexander slaughtered innocent holy men. Also, he treated his troops with disrespect and disregard. Furthermore, he was a reckless, and negligent military leader.

To begin with, Alexander the Great did a great deal of distasteful things. For example, while he was conquering India, he met with the Brahmins to learn of Hinduism, and then, after he learned what he wanted to know, he would execute the Brahmins. Also, when Alexander was fighting with King Porus of India, he would find natives of the towns, and if they resisted and attempted to flee, he would have them killed.

Additionally, Alexander the Great was a man that did not let anything stand in his way. If something was not in his way, he would demolish it for the fun of it. This applies to more than buildings and structures; Alexander the Great was known for ruthlessly slaughtering entire villages. It is estimated that Alexander the Great slaughtered over one hundred thousand innocent men, and enslaved tens of thousands of innocent women, and children. Alexander the Great would conquer a city, claim the riches for himself, and then, sell the harmless citizens into slavery. If he defeated an army, and the army retreated, Alexander would chase down the retreating armies, and massacre them. He had no regard for anybody, including his own men.

Moreover, Alexander the Great was notorious for sending his men into battles, where he was aware that they were going to get butchered. When Alexander the Great was on a conquest to defeat Persia, he did not use many military tactics. When he was drunk, he let his men burn down the Great Palace. Alexander went into many battles drunk, as a result of this, a plethora of his men died for no reason.

In conclusion, Alexander the Great was a ruthless man. He did not have any regard for the innocent, or his own men. Also, he neglected his troops. Finally, he slaughtered innocent humans. Alexander the Great was anything but great.