Student Essay on Driving While Overly Emotional

Driving While Overly Emotional

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The problem I've chosen to discuss is people who drive while they are overly emotional. Driving in this state creates impaired judgment. People are more likely to do things they wouldn't do if they were driving calmly. They are more likely to be aggressive or to take risks that are unnecessary and dangerous. This problem also leads to road rage.

People drive while in this state most often because they don't know that it's a problem. They just get into their car without thinking about the effects that this impairment may have on their driving abilities. People also drive this way because they are in a hurry to get away from whatever made them upset. If someone gets into a fight with a parent or spouse, they just get in their car to drive away from the person making them angry. Another reason people drive this way is because driving can be a calming action, but dangerously so. It is a bad idea to get into a car when you are angry or upset to calm yourself down because other drivers or road hindrances may make you even more angry/upset.

One of the main reasons people drive while overly emotional is because they do not know it will effect their driving. I think that there should be more public education to help people be more aware of the danger of this problem. One way this could be done is through public service announcements on local channels, or even on the national level. Another way this could be done is through billboards or signs alongside the road. They could have a catchy slogan so as to help people to remember them. Also, radio broadcasts should contain some information about the danger of driving while emotional. Driver's education programs should emphasize more the danger of this. It is covered in the program, but not enough that it will stick in the heads of young drivers.