Student Essay on Conformity


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When a person's thoughts, feelings, actions, or behaviors are changed due to those of their peers, it is known as conformity. Everyday, pressures are put on all people in every social class and age group to conform to the people in their surroundings. Individuals often give in to these pressures despite their own thoughts and feelings.

The usual pressures that are put on a particular society form a code of unwritten rules, known as a "norm." Once norms are established, individuals that wish to fit into that society begin to follow them and place pressure on others to do the same. After a point, these norms become natural, subconscious actions and responses.

There are several factors that attribute to the degrees of conformity in different scenarios. First, the more tightly knit a group is, the more likely the members of that group will be to conform. Additionally, if there are at least three or four members of the group that are all doing the same thing, individuals in that group may feel more inclined to conform. If there is at least one other individual sharing the same view on a certain issue with another individual, then that person will most likely be able to stay with what they choose as the best thing to do.