Student Essay on American Literature

American Literature

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What is American Literature? American Literature is something that cannot be defined in a straightforward definition. It's based on religious, historical, and cultural traditions of American people. American literature includes poetry, fiction, drama, and other kinds of writing by authors in the United States. It also includes oral literature of American Indians and folk tales and legends. Its also includes things written by immigrants and visitors from other countries.

Oral literature is folk tales or legends passed down from generation to generation. North America had oral literature because they didn't have a writing system.

If by chance words of Native Americans have been written down, the writing is very poetic and moving. This helped create American Literature

The Puritans obsession with sin and salvation helped begin American literature. Since they believed religion should dominate everything it dominated their writing. When they wrote for themselves they wrote poetry as spiritual enlightenment. They believed in a plain style of writing, clear statement is the highest goal.

Southern planters also helped begin the foundation of American literature. The letters written by the southerners provided insight into their time period. Those that were highly educated produced a lot of writing.

Most of the authors in American literature just helped build the foundation of it. They just began it and there were achievements that followed.