Hearing (sense) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of The Importance of Listening.

Hearing (sense) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of The Importance of Listening.
This section contains 295 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

The Importance of Listening

Summary: A short essay on the importance of listening. Discusses areas where listening skills are vital including school and business.
Today, listening is very important part for all people. It has their basic things that people have to be careful about, which is attitude, attention, and adjustment. Three things are very important for listening people. Listening also is important in business and school systems.

The businesses in the world are increasing. People are compare each other in business system. The large number of business people has, the more difficult they have. So, this reason, the people who working in business have to be careful in their listening to keep their business. Because, this people have to keep track in the market and their customers. They have to do the right things for their customers. Business people have to attitude, pay attention, and adjustment to their customers. If the business people have do right things and good service for their people, then they will have a strong business. So, listening is very important to business people.

In school, listening visually is important to students. Listen is taking note sometime. Most easily for students to learn theirs stuffs in school is by listening to the teacher. In here, students need to listen to the teacher by the time they teach, because students could compare their own opinion with the teacher, or learn some new things, or go deep in the subject. So, listening is very important for students during school time, because they need to listen to understand more about the detail of the subject.

In the summary, the listening is very important part for all people. It provides good things for business people, good notes for students, and makes some other people a better life. I hope all the people in the world know how to listen carefully to each here before they misunderstand.

This section contains 295 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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