Student Essay on Is Happiness a Choice?

Is Happiness a Choice?

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I believe that happiness is a choice because you can do things to make yourself happy when you're down. If you're unhappy, you can put yourself in a joyful atmosphere. In a situation, if there is good and bad, look at the good things and forget the bad. Plain and simple, you have the power to be happy.

You have the power to be happy; you can do things fun that you enjoy. If you're mad, you can do something physically demanding that you enjoy. If you're depressed, do something that cheers you up, something humorous. So when you're down, find something that counters your unwanted emotions into happiness.

If you're down, go somewhere fun and exciting. An arcade, the movies or anyplace else that makes you say "Cheerio my deerio." If you do this, you're bound to make yourself a little bit more happy.

If situations come up where there is some good and bad, look at the good things and let the bad slide. Remember the good part so when you look back, you do not receive bad memories. If you remember the bad things, you will look back and realize that that situation was horrible and just reminiscing about bad times may put you in a bad mood. In other words, always look on the bright side.

That is why I believe you can control your emotions. Do the little things, and greater things will come of it. Do anything that makes you happy and you will always have a great day.