Student Essay on Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein

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Sixty- six year old Saddam Hussein was recently found on December 14, 2003, eight months after the fall of Baghdad. Even though Saddam said earlier he would never give up, he was discovered hiding in a tiny hole underneath a farmhouse near his hometown of Tikrit. He was found very disheveled and dirty. It is very ironic because when Saddam Hussein was president, he was very fussy about being dirty. When Saddam was found, he was carrying three loaded guns, but however, he did not attempt to shoot the American troops who have found him in the rat hole. Along with the three guns that he held, Saddam Hussein had a huge stash of United States currency in a suit case. Some people also believe that during those eight months of Saddam Hussein hiding, he was temporarily disguised as a taxi driver. Because of the Saddam Hussein, President George Walker Bush thinks that we might have much more hope and a bigger chance of finding the chemical weapons and bombs. Saddam Hussein will be put on public trial. There it will be decided if he will be prosecuted or put to jail for the rest of his life. President Bush remarks that the United States of America is now safer because of Saddam's capture.