Student Essay on A Summary of Aria

A Summary of Aria

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Richard Rodriguez, the author, describes his experience of growing up as an immigrant from Mexico, who's family has adopted English as their main language. Rodriguez expresses his support for encouraging immigrants to do adopt English as their main language because they will have a greater chance of success in life if they do this. Instead of just going along with the easy, comfortable route, Rodriguez writes that he was made to learn English in school. His parents decided to speak only English in the home after Rodriguez' teachers came and visited them and explained that he wasn't doing very well in school because he could not speak English well enough. They asked that his parents try and speak English with their children. He explained that Spanish was a language of family closeness and easiness. When they switched to English they lost the family bond. The family grew apart from one another. Especially between the children and parents. The children, being more advanced in the language would say something the parents would not understand, they would then try and explain but the parent still would not get it. In the end the conversation would be stopped as the children became too frustrated. Rodriguez found hearing Spanish to be very hurtful as he got overwhelming nostalgia every time. He would remember how he used to speak that language and remember the warmth that went with it.