Student Essay on Rear Window: Analysis of Relationships

Rear Window: Analysis of Relationships

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Alfred Hitchcock's main theme in Rear Window is that people over analyze relationships too much. Throughout the film L.B. Jefferies peeps out his rear window analyzing his relationship with Lisa. He does this by watching the way all the other couples in the apartment across from him live. Early on Jeff's nurse, Stella, states that people nowadays look too deeply into relationships and that before if you were happy you got married. All of the couples in the film analyzed their relationships except the couple that slept on the fire escape, which also happened to be the happiest couple in the throughout the film. The Thorwalds were the main couple that over analyzed. The husband read in too deeply into the nagging of his wife and decided to murder her. In the beginning he was contempt with their marriage, shown by the breakfast in bed. Once the nagging begun he decided he was no longer happy. Another person that over analyzed her relationships was Mrs. Lonelyhart. She was a middle aged single woman who almost committed suicide because she couldn't find a relationship with a man. She latter decided that it wasn't worth it. Then there was Jeff and Lisa. Jeff was over analyzing their relationship. Stating that she was "too perfect" and that people of upper and lower class don't/can't connect right. But in the end Jeff fell in love with her sense of adventure which she thought wasn't possible or simply didn't want to think it was possible. All the problems with the relationships in the film was only because people over analyze into their relatioinships.