Student Essay on Recognition Scenes

Recognition Scenes by Homer

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Odysseus returns home many characters recognize him but only after he proves that he is the real King Odysseus. When Eurycleia is washing Odysseus the beggar she recognizes the scar on his leg but he asks her not to reveal him. Later on, when Odysseus reveals himself to Penelope she test Odysseus to see if her really is her husband by suggesting that their marriage bed is moved. He "passes" her test by telling her that the bed cannot be moved and Penelope finally believes that her beloved husband is home again. Finally, Odysseus goes to visit Laertes, his father. Laertes only believes that Odysseus is his true son when Odysseus tells his father the exact amount of fruit trees that were given to Odysseus. The recognition scene with the most impact is when Penelope recognizes her husband. This whole poem is about how Odysseus is trying to get back to Ithaca so he can be with his beloved Penelope. By Penelope recognizing him all of his hardships were not for naught but very worth it. He gave up immortality, agelessness, and the love of a goddess just so he could see his wife and be with her. So, of the three recognition scenes the one where Penelope recognizes Odysseus has the most impact because Odysseus ultimate goal has been reached.