Student Essay on God Sees the Truth But Waits

God Sees the Truth But Waits by Leo Tolstoy

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"Let him pay for his torments. But if I tell on him, they really will flog him. And what if I suspect him wrongly? And so what? Will it make me feel any better"" (God Sees the Truth, but Waits Pg. 227)

    In Tolstoy's God Sees the Truth, but Waits a man is accused of a murder he did not commit. Throughout the entire story, the reader sees that this man would not hurt a fly, and this point is even more strongly emphasized with this quote. He isn't even willing to see somebody else be hurt after what has happened to him. He doesn't believe that even a man, who has put him in jail and made him lose his happy life, deserves to be flogged, and so he won't take that risk by admitting to the guards that Makar Semyonov was attempting to dig a whole to freedom outside of the jail cell.