Student Essay on Abortion: Pro-life or Pro-enslavement

Abortion: Pro-life or Pro-enslavement

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Abortion is a topic that has never been taken too lightly in our society. It tends to get under a lot of people's skin. To spend countless amounts of time, money, and energy on a subject with no real solution seems a bit absurd. There are many pros and cons to the process but it comes down to personal choices.

Hypocrisy is one reason our nation is constantly at war amongst itself. It is a common characteristic of most human beings. Pro-Life advocates complain that it is unethical to have an abortion, to "kill" a fetus. This argument alone arises many questions.

If it is unethical why is our world not run over by vegetarians or vegans? Is an egg not a fetus? Also, why I hunting permitted? How is it that we judge ourselves as higher and more important entities than any other living creature"

Instead of thinking of abortion as murder, should we not think of it as... a form of population control? Is that not what we call the thousands of murders that we commit everyday? Do deer, quail, chickens not see it as killing?

As harsh as that may seem it is our reality. There are many reasons why abortion should be openly accepted. Sometimes there just isn't another way. Why burden a 16 year old girl with a new life if she is still living hers. Sometimes accidents happen. It's something that everyone should learn to understand.

The argument is that if one can make the decision to have sex then she should be able to face the consequences, that being a child. But why put a child in that position. To grow up knowing that you were a negative consequence has to be hard on a child. Which is why I think that adoption isn't all that great. A lot of kids stay in orphanages their whole life. That isn't something that I would ever want to put a child through.

Abortion is really not such a bad situation. It is better than giving a child a chance to live then to have it die from mistreatment or such. It is a choice that everyone will eventually have to make. Which path that person chooses to go down is her business. It should just be up to them and her decision should be well respected amongst her peers.