Helping Himself eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Helping Himself.

Helping Himself eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Helping Himself.

Considering the damaging nature of the revelation, Grant showed considerable self-command.  He did not turn pale, nor did he look guilty and conscience-stricken.

“What have you to say to this charge, Grant?” asked the broker.

“It is not true, sir.”

“What a hardened young villain!” said the housekeeper, in a low, but audible voice.

“Mr. Reynolds will hardly believe you,” said Ford, turning upon our hero and speaking in a tone of virtuous indignation.  “You see, sir,” he continued, addressing the broker, “that I was right in my conjecture.”

“I am not quite satisfied yet,” said Mr. Reynolds.  “Grant, call the boy.”

Great was the perplexity of Willis Ford and his friends when Grant left the room, and almost immediately reappeared with a small boy in blue uniform.  Not one of them recognized him.

“Have you ever seen any of these gentlemen before, my boy?” asked the broker.

“I’ve seed ’em all, sir,” answered the boy.

“State where you saw them last.”

“I seed him, and him, and him,” said Johnny, pointing out Willis Ford, Jim Morrison and Tom Calder, “at the Grand Central Hotel yesterday mornm’.”

Ford started and became very pale.

“What passed between them?”

“He,” indicating Ford, “gave some bonds to him,” indicating Morrison, “and got back a bit of paper.  I don’t know what was on it.”

“It is false!” ejaculated Willis Ford, hoarsely.



The telegraph boy’s evidence overwhelmed Willis Ford and his confederates with dismay.  The feeling was greater in Ford, for it tended to fasten the theft upon him, while Jim Morrison and Tom Calder, though convicted of falsehood, were at all events sustained by the consciousness that nothing worse could be alleged against them.

“It is false!” asserted Willis Ford, with a flushed face.

“It is true!” declared the telegraph boy, sturdily.

“I don’t believe a word of it,” said the housekeeper, angrily.

“This is a startling revelation, Mr. Ford,” said the broker, gravely.

“It is a base conspiracy, sir,” returned Ford, hoarsely.  “I submit, sir, that the word of a boy like that ought not to weigh against mine.  Besides, these gentlemen,” indicating Jim Morrison and Tom Calder, “will corroborate my statement.”

“Of course we do,” blustered Morrison.  “That boy is a liar!”

“I have spoken the truth, sir, and they know it,” asserted Johnny, resolutely.

“How much did Grant Thornton pay you for telling this lie?” demanded Willis Ford, furiously.

“I will answer that question, Mr. Ford,” said Grant, thinking it time to speak for himself.  “I paid him nothing, and did not know till last evening that he had witnessed the interview between you and Mr. Morrison.”

Project Gutenberg
Helping Himself from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.