Insectivorous Plants eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 527 pages of information about Insectivorous Plants.

Insectivorous Plants eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 527 pages of information about Insectivorous Plants.

Albumen, digested by Drosera, 92 —­, liquid, action on Drosera, 79

Alcohol, diluted, action of, on Drosera, 78, 216

Aldrovanda vesiculosa, 321 —­, absorption and digestion by, 325 —­, varieties of, 329

Algae, aggregation in fronds of, 65

Alkalies, arrest digestive process in Drosera, 94

Aluminium, salts of, action on Drosera, 184

Ammonia, amount of, in rain water, 172 —­, carbonate, action on heated leaves of Drosera, 69 —­, —­, smallness of doses causing aggregation in Drosera, 145 —­, —­, its action on Drosera, 141 —­, —­, vapour of, absorbed by glands of Drosera, 142 —­, —­, smallness of doses causing inflection in Drosera, 145, 168 —­, phosphate, smallness of doses causing inflection in Drosera, 153, 168 —­, —­, size of particles affecting Drosera, 173 —­, nitrate, smallness of doses causing inflection in Drosera, 148, 168 —­, salts of, action on Drosera, 136 [page 456]


Ammonia, salts of, their action affected by previous immersion in water and various solutions, 213 —­, —­, induce aggregation in Drosera, 43 —­, various salts of, causing inflection in Drosera, 166

Antimony, tartrate, action on Drosera, 185

Areolar tissue, its digestion by Drosera, 102

Arsenious acid, action on Drosera, 185

Atropine, action on Drosera, 204


Barium, salts of, action on Drosera, 183

Bases of salts, preponderant action of, on Drosera, 186

Basis, fibrous, of bone, its digestion by Drosera, 108

Belladonna, extract of, action on Drosera, 84

Bennett, Mr. A.W., on Drosera, 2 —­, coats of pollen-grains not digested by insects, 117

Binz, on action of quinine on white blood-corpuscles, 201 —­, on poisonous action of quinine on low organisms, 202

Bone, its digestion by Drosera, 105

Brunton, Lauder, on digestion of gelatine, 111 —­, on the composition of casein, 115 —­, on the digestion of urea, 124 —­, —­ of chlorophyll, 126 —­, —­ of pepsin, 124

Byblis, 343


Cabbage, decoction of, action on Drosera, 83

Cadmium chloride, action on Drosera, 183

Caesium, chloride of, action on Drosera, 181

Calcium, salts of, action on Drosera, 182

Camphor, action on Drosera, 209

Canby, Dr., on Dionaea, 301, 310, 313 —­, on Drosera filiformis, 281

Caraway, oil of, action on Drosera, 211

Carbonic acid, action on Drosera, 221 —­, delays aggregation in
Drosera, 59

Cartilage, its digestion by Drosera, 103

Casein, its digestion by Drosera, 114

Cellulose, not digested by Drosera, 125

Chalk, precipitated, causing inflection of Drosera, 32

Cheese, its digestion by Drosera, 116

Chitine, not digested by Drosera, 124

Project Gutenberg
Insectivorous Plants from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.