Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language.

Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language.

aba (gu) n., hand, arm, part, leaf:  fuli abae ai, men’s handiwork.  S. apa.

abaa n., staff.  S. apaa.

abalolo a banyan tree.  S. ’apalolo.

abasua adj. afraid of, silent out of respect for a person.

abatoo v, i. to be barren, of women.

abolo n., a piece:  abole ai, a beam.  S. polo.

abu (gu) n., blood:  abu rakaraka, an issue of blood.  S._’apu_.

   abua adj., red.

abu 2. v. i. to be forbidden, taboo:  abu rongo, to be unwilling to hear.  S. ’apu.

abulo partic., turned round:  abulo fasi, to face towards,

   abuloa v. n. a turning round.  S. apulo.

abusu v. i. to be filled, satiated.

   abusua v. n. satiety.

ada 1. v. i. to see, to awake.

   ada filo to perceive; ada fua, to choose; ada sae tamana,
   to recognize; ada too, to succeed in finding.

   adala, v. n. sight, seeing.

   adasi, v. tr. to see. faada.

ada 2. poss. pl. 3, among them, for them, for their part, theirs (of things to eat), used also as obj. to neut. verb; tani aiai ada, some of them.  S._’ada_.

Adagege artificial islet next to Ferasubua going north.

adalu poss. pl. 3, as ada, but more restricted in application.

adaro poss. dual. 3.  Cf. ada 2.

ade v. tr. to do, to make; of disease, to be prostrated by si maea e adea, he was sick; ade au, to play on a bamboo flute; ade doo, to worship; ade doola, worship.

adi v. tr. to taboo, to place one’s mark upon, S. adi.

ado, adomi, v. tr. to serve, to wait upon, to furnish with food, to worship.

ae (gu) 1. n. foot, leg; lado ae, to follow; aena, because of, aena falisi, lord of the garden; ae i fera, a householder; ae mwane, chief man.  S._’ae_.

ae 2. exclam. ah!; used also in summing up.

afa 1. v. i. to cut, to incise, to mark by cutting.  S. aha.

afa 2. an eagle.  S. hada.

afe 1. woman, wife; si afe nau, my wife.

afe 2. v. tr. to direct, to guide, S. ’ahe.

afe, afeafe 3. n. foam, waves; na afe, surf.  S. ahe.

afedali; matai afedali, to be in a fever.  S. madali, wet with perspiration.

afetai partic., difficult; bae afetai, to take an oath.

afoa partic. apart, separate.  S. ahoa.

afu v. tr. to wrap up, to hide.  S. ahu.

Project Gutenberg
Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.