Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal.

Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal.

“Next is seen at Rome the propaganda, the great missionary heart of the whole masterly system.  Noiselessly, by the multiform orders of monks and nuns, as through so many veins and arteries, it sends out and receives back its vital fluid.  In its halls, the whole world is distinctly mapped out, and the chief points of influence minutely marked.  A kind of telegraphic communication is established with the remotest stations in South Africa and Siberia, and with almost every nook in our own land, to which the myrmidons of Papal power look with the most of fear.  It is through means of this moral galvanic battery, set up in the Vatican, that the Church of Rome has gained its power of ubiquity—­has so well nigh made itself omnipotent, as well as omnipresent.

“It is no mean or puny antagonist that strides across the path of a free, spiritual and advancing Protestantism.  And yet, with a simple shepherd’s sling, and the smooth stones gathered from Siloa’s brook, God will give it the victory.

“Once more let us look, and we shall find at Rome, still working in its dark, malignant efficiency, the inquisition.  Men are still made to pass through fires of this Moloch.  This is the grand defensive expedient of the Papacy, and is the chief tribunal of the States.  Its processes are all as secret as the grave.  Its cells are full of dead men’s bones.  They call it the Asylum for the poor—­a retreat for doubting and distressed pilgrims, where they may have experience of the parental kindness of their father the Pope, and their mother the church.

“Dr. Achilli had a trial of this beneficient discipline, when thrown into the deep dungeon of St. Angelo.  And how many other poor victims of this diabolical institution are at this moment pining in agony, heaven knows.

“In America, we talk about Rome as having ceased to persecute.  It is A mistake.  She holds to the principle as tenaciously as ever.  She cannot dispense with it.  Of the evil spirit of Protestantism she says, “This kind goeth not out, but by fire.”  Her reign, is a reign of terror.  Hence she must hold both the principle and the power of persecution, of compelling men to believe, or, if they doubt, of putting them to death for their own good.  Take from her this power and she bites the dust.”


It may perchance be said that the remarks of the Rev. William Rule, quoted above, refer exclusively to the existing state of things is England, Ireland, and the colonies.  But who will dare to say, after a careful investigation of the subject, that they do not apply with equal force to these United States?

Project Gutenberg
Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.