The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 129 pages of information about The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet.

The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 129 pages of information about The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet.


The House of Lords then proceeded to its selection.  As fashionable drama in Paris and London concerns itself almost exclusively with adultery, the first choice fell on Lord Gorell, who had for many years presided over the Divorce Court.  Lord Plymouth, who had been Chairman to the Shakespear Memorial project (now merged in the Shakespear Memorial National Theatre) was obviously marked out for selection; and it was generally expected that the Lords Lytton and Esher, who had taken a prominent part in the same movement, would have been added.  This expectation was not fulfilled.  Instead, Lord Willoughby de Broke, who had distinguished himself as an amateur actor, was selected along with Lord Newton, whose special qualifications for the Committee, if he had any, were unknown to the public.  Finally Lord Ribblesdale, the argute son of a Scotch mother, was thrown in to make up for any shortcoming in intellectual subtlety that might arise in the case of his younger colleagues; and this completed the two teams.


In England, thanks chiefly to the censorship, the theatre is not respected.  It is indulged and despised as a department of what is politely called gaiety.  It is therefore not surprising that the majority of the Committee began by taking its work uppishly and carelessly.  When it discovered that the contemporary drama, licensed by the Lord Chamberlain, included plays which could be described only behind closed doors, and in the discomfort which attends discussions of very nasty subjects between men of widely different ages, it calmly put its own convenience before its public duty by ruling that there should be no discussion of particular plays, much as if a committee on temperance were to rule that drunkenness was not a proper subject of conversation among gentlemen.


This was a bad beginning.  Everybody knew that in England the censorship would not be crushed by the weight of the constitutional argument against it, heavy as that was, unless it were also brought home to the Committee and to the public that it had sanctioned and protected the very worst practicable examples of the kind of play it professed to extirpate.  For it must be remembered that the other half of the practical side of the case, dealing with the merits of the plays it had suppressed, could never secure a unanimous assent.  If the Censor had suppressed Hamlet, as he most certainly would have done had it been submitted to him as a new play, he would have been supported by a large body of people to whom incest is a tabooed subject which must not be mentioned on the stage or anywhere else outside a criminal court.  Hamlet, Oedipus, and The Cenci, Mrs Warren’s Profession, Brieux’s Maternite, and Les Avaries,

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The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.