Main Street eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 650 pages of information about Main Street.
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Main Street eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 650 pages of information about Main Street.


It was in June, two months after America’s entrance into the war, that the momentous event happened—­the visit of the great Percy Bresnahan, the millionaire president of the Velvet Motor Car Company of Boston, the one native son who was always to be mentioned to strangers.

For two weeks there were rumors.  Sam Clark cried to Kennicott, “Say, I hear Perce Bresnahan is coming!  By golly it’ll be great to see the old scout, eh?” Finally the Dauntless printed, on the front page with a No. 1 head, a letter from Bresnahan to Jackson Elder: 

Dear jack

Well, Jack, I find I can make it.  I’m to go to Washington as a dollar a year man for the government, in the aviation motor section, and tell them how much I don’t know about carburetors.  But before I start in being a hero I want to shoot out and catch me a big black bass and cuss out you and Sam Clark and Harry Haydock and Will Kennicott and the rest of you pirates.  I’ll land in G. P. on June 7, on No. 7 from Mpls.  Shake a day-day.  Tell Bert Tybee to save me a glass of beer.

Sincerely yours,


All members of the social, financial, scientific, literary, and sporting sets were at No. 7 to meet Bresnahan; Mrs. Lyman Cass was beside Del Snafflin the barber, and Juanita Haydock almost cordial to Miss Villets the librarian.  Carol saw Bresnahan laughing down at them from the train vestibule—­big, immaculate, overjawed, with the eye of an executive.  In the voice of the professional Good Fellow he bellowed, “Howdy, folks!” As she was introduced to him (not he to her) Bresnahan looked into her eyes, and his hand-shake was warm, unhurried.

He declined the offers of motors; he walked off, his arm about the shoulder of Nat Hicks the sporting tailor, with the elegant Harry Haydock carrying one of his enormous pale leather bags, Del Snafflin the other, Jack Elder bearing an overcoat, and Julius Flickerbaugh the fishing-tackle.  Carol noted that though Bresnahan wore spats and a stick, no small boy jeered.  She decided, “I must have Will get a double-breasted blue coat and a wing collar and a dotted bow-tie like his.”

That evening, when Kennicott was trimming the grass along the walk with sheep-shears, Bresnahan rolled up, alone.  He was now in corduroy trousers, khaki shirt open at the throat, a white boating hat, and marvelous canvas-and-leather shoes “On the job there, old Will!  Say, my Lord, this is living, to come back and get into a regular man-sized pair of pants.  They can talk all they want to about the city, but my idea of a good time is to loaf around and see you boys and catch a gamey bass!”

He hustled up the walk and blared at Carol, “Where’s that little fellow?  I hear you’ve got one fine big he-boy that you’re holding out on me!”

“He’s gone to bed,” rather briefly.

“I know.  And rules are rules, these days.  Kids get routed through the shop like a motor.  But look here, sister; I’m one great hand at busting rules.  Come on now, let Uncle Perce have a look at him.  Please now, sister?”

Project Gutenberg
Main Street from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.