Tales of Terror and Mystery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 272 pages of information about Tales of Terror and Mystery.

Tales of Terror and Mystery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 272 pages of information about Tales of Terror and Mystery.

His patients had one fault—­and one fault only—­to find with him.  He appeared to be a confirmed bachelor.  This was the more remarkable since the house which he occupied was a large one, and it was known that his success in practice had enabled him to save considerable sums.  At first the local matchmakers were continually coupling his name with one or other of the eligible ladies, but as years passed and Dr. Lana remained unmarried, it came to be generally understood that for some reason he must remain a bachelor.  Some even went so far as to assert that he was already married, and that it was in order to escape the consequence of an early misalliance that he had buried himself at Bishop’s Crossing.  And, then, just as the matchmakers had finally given him up in despair, his engagement was suddenly announced to Miss Frances Morton, of Leigh Hall.

Miss Morton was a young lady who was well known upon the country-side, her father, James Haldane Morton, having been the Squire of Bishop’s Crossing.  Both her parents were, however, dead, and she lived with her only brother, Arthur Morton, who had inherited the family estate.  In person Miss Morton was tall and stately, and she was famous for her quick, impetuous nature and for her strength of character.  She met Dr. Lana at a garden-party, and a friendship, which quickly ripened into love, sprang up between them.  Nothing could exceed their devotion to each other.  There was some discrepancy in age, he being thirty-seven, and she twenty-four; but, save in that one respect, there was no possible objection to be found with the match.  The engagement was in February, and it was arranged that the marriage should take place in August.

Upon the 3rd of June Dr. Lana received a letter from abroad.  In a small village the postmaster is also in a position to be the gossip-master, and Mr. Bankley, of Bishop’s Crossing, had many of the secrets of his neighbours in his possession.  Of this particular letter he remarked only that it was in a curious envelope, that it was in a man’s handwriting, that the postscript was Buenos Ayres, and the stamp of the Argentine Republic.  It was the first letter which he had ever known Dr. Lana to have from abroad and this was the reason why his attention was particularly called to it before he handed it to the local postman.  It was delivered by the evening delivery of that date.

Next morning—­that is, upon the 4th of June—­Dr. Lana called upon Miss Morton, and a long interview followed, from which he was observed to return in a state of great agitation.  Miss Morton remained in her room all that day, and her maid found her several times in tears.  In the course of a week it was an open secret to the whole village that the engagement was at an end, that Dr. Lana had behaved shamefully to the young lady, and that Arthur Morton, her brother, was talking of horse-whipping him.  In what particular respect the doctor had behaved badly was unknown—­some

Project Gutenberg
Tales of Terror and Mystery from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.