The Imperialist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 394 pages of information about The Imperialist.

The Imperialist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 394 pages of information about The Imperialist.

“I have very much the same feeling,” the squire acknowledged.  “I’ve been turning the matter over a good deal since that last Conference showed which way the wind was blowing.  And the fellows in your Government gave them a fine lead.  But such a proposition was bound to come from your side.  The whole political history of the country shows it.  We’re pledged to take care of the damned industries.”

Farquharson smiled at the note of depression.  “Well, we want a bigger market somewhere,” he said with detachment “and it looks as if we could get it now Uncle Sam has had a fright.  If the question comes to be fought out at the polls, I don’t see how your party could do better than go in for a wide scheme of reciprocity with the Americans—­in raw products, of course with a tariff to match theirs on manufactured goods.  That would shut a pretty tight door on British connection though.”

“They’ll not get my vote if they do,” said the squire, thrusting his hands fiercely into his breeches pockets.

“As you say, it’s most important to put up a man who will show the constituency all the credit and benefit there is in it, anyhow,” Farquharson observed.  “I’ve had a letter this morning,” he added, laughing, “from a fellow—­one of the bosses, too—­who wants us to nominate young Murchison.”

“The lawyer?”

“That’s the man.  He’s too young, of course—­not thirty.  But he’s well known in the country districts; I don’t know a man of his age with a more useful service record.  He’s got a lot of friends, and he’s come a good deal to the front lately through that inter-imperial communications business—­we might do worse.  And upon my word, we’re in such a hole—­”

“Farquharson,” said old Squire Ormiston, the red creeping over features that had not lost in three generations the lines of the old breed, “I’ve voted in the Conservative interest for forty years, and my father before me.  We were Whigs when we settled in Massachusetts, and Whigs when we pulled up stakes and came North rather than take up arms against the King; but it seemed decent to support the Government that gave us a chance again under the flag, and my grandfather changed his politics.  Now, confound it! the flag seems to be with the Whigs again, for fighting purposes, anyhow; and I don’t seem to have any choice.  I’ve been debating the thing for some time now, and your talk of making that fine young fellow your candidate settles it.  If you can get your committee to accept young Murchison, you can count on my vote, and I don’t want to brag, but I think you can count on Moneida too, though it’s never sent in a Grit majority yet.”

The men were standing on the steps of the bank, and the crisp air of autumn brought them both an agreeable tingle of enterprise.  Farquharson’s buggy was tied to the nearest maple.

“I’m going over to East Elgin to look at my brick-kilns,” he said.  “Get in with me, will you?”

Project Gutenberg
The Imperialist from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.