The Chaplet of Pearls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 659 pages of information about The Chaplet of Pearls.

The Chaplet of Pearls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 659 pages of information about The Chaplet of Pearls.
back to Quinet; but she would not hear of leaving him; and this first had been a mere slight attack, as if a mere experiment on the strength of the place.  She had, however, then had to take the lead in controlling the women, and teaching them to act as nurses, and to carry out provisions; and she must then have been seen by some one, who reported her presence there to Narcisse—­perhaps by the Italian pedlar.  Indeed Humfrey, who came in for a moment to receive his master’s orders, report his watch, and greet his lady, narrated, on the authority of the lately enlisted men-at-arms, that M. de Nid de Merle had promised twenty crowns to any one who might shoot down the heretics’ little white diablesse.

About six weeks had elapsed since the first attack on Pont de Dronne, and in that time Gardon had sunk rapidly.  He died as he lived, a gentle, patient man, not a characteristic Calvinist, though his lot had been thrown with that party in his perplexed life of truth-seeking and disappointment in the aspirations and hopes of early youth.  He had been, however, full of peace and trust that he should open his eyes where the light was clear, and no cloud on either side would mar his perception; and his thankfulness had been great for the blessing that his almost heaven-sent daughter had been to him in his loneliness, bereavement, and decay.  Much as he loved her, he did not show himself grieved or distressed on her account; but, as he told her, he took the summons to leave her as a sign that his task was done, and the term of her trials ended.  ‘I trust as fully,’ he said, ’that thou wilt soon be in safe and loving hands, as though I could commit thee to them.’

And so he died in her arms, leaving her a far fuller measure of blessing and of love than ever she had derived from her own father; and as the enemy’s trumpets were already sounding on the hills, she had feared insult to his remains, and had procured his almost immediate burial in the cloister, bidding the assistants sing, as his farewell, that evening psalm which had first brought soothing to her hunted spirit.

There, while unable, after hours of weeping, to tear herself from the grave of her father and protector, had she in her utter desolation been startled by the summons, not only to attend to the wounded stranger, but to lodge him in the chancel.  ’Only this was wanting,’ was the first thought in her desolation, for this had been her own most cherished resort.  Either the bise, or fear of a haunted spot, or both, had led to the nailing up of boards over the dividing screen, so that the chancel was entirely concealed from the church; and no one ever thought of setting foot there till Eustacie, whose Catholic reverence was indestructible, even when she was only half sure that it was not worse than a foible, had stolen down thither, grieved at its utter desolation, and with fond and careful hands had cleansed it, and amended the ruin so far as she might. 

Project Gutenberg
The Chaplet of Pearls from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.