How I Found Livingstone; travels, adventures, and discoveres in Central Africa, including an account of four months' residence with Dr. Livingstone, by Henry M. Stanley eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 578 pages of information about How I Found Livingstone; travels, adventures, and discoveres in Central Africa, including an account of four months' residence with Dr. Livingstone, by Henry M. Stanley.

How I Found Livingstone; travels, adventures, and discoveres in Central Africa, including an account of four months' residence with Dr. Livingstone, by Henry M. Stanley eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 578 pages of information about How I Found Livingstone; travels, adventures, and discoveres in Central Africa, including an account of four months' residence with Dr. Livingstone, by Henry M. Stanley.


Boma . . . . . . . enclosure.

Bubu . . . . . . . black beads.

Diwan . . . . . . elder, chief, or magistrate.

Doti . . . . . . four yards of cloth.

Dowa . . . . . . medicine.

Fundo . . . . . . ten necklaces, or ten khetes.

Ghulabio . . . . . a species of bead.

Hafde . . . . . a species of bead.

Hamal . . . . . carrier.

Honga . . . . . tribute.

Ismahili . . . . . a native name for a particular kind of cloth.

Kadunguru . . . . . a brick-coloured species of bead.

Kaif-Halek . . . .  “How do you do?”

Kaniki . . . . a blue cloth manufactured in India.

Knambi . . . . camp.

Khete . . . . one necklace, or a tenth of a fundo.

Kichuma-chuma . . .  “Little Irons,” a disease of the liver.

Kirangozi . . . . guide.

Kitambi . . . . a cloth.

Kiti . . . . . stool.

Lakhio . . . . . a pink-coloured species of bead.

Lunghio . . . . . blue beads.

Lunghio mbamba . . . small blue beads.

Lunghio rega . . . large blue beads.

M . . . . . a prefix to denote a person of any
                            country as M-jiji, a native of Jiji.

Manyapara . . . . elder, or sub-chief.

Matama . . . . .  Holcus sorghum, or the Arabic dourra.

Mbembu . . . . . forest peach

Merikani . . . . . unbleached domestics manufactured in

Mganga . . . . . a medicine man, or magic doctor,

Miezi-Mungu . . . . a Kisawahili term for “God.”

Mtemi . . . . a term synonymous with king

Mtoni . . . . . nullah.

Muhongo . . . . . tribute.

Mulungu . . . . . a native term for “God.”

Mukunguru . . . . intermittent fever.

Mvuha . . . . . thunder.

Ngombe . . . . . a cow.

Pagazi . . . . . a porter, or carrier.

Posho . . . . . food.

Sami-Sami . . . . the name of red beads

Shamba . . . . . a field.

Shasr . . . . . a muslin cloth.

Sheikh . . . . . a title of courtesy given to an elderly

Shukka . . . . . two yards of cloth.

Sohari . . . . . a kind of coloured cloth.

Sungomazzi . . . . large glass or china beads of the size
                            of marbles.

Project Gutenberg
How I Found Livingstone; travels, adventures, and discoveres in Central Africa, including an account of four months' residence with Dr. Livingstone, by Henry M. Stanley from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.