The Canadian Brothers, or the Prophecy Fulfilled a Tale of the Late American War — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 269 pages of information about The Canadian Brothers, or the Prophecy Fulfilled a Tale of the Late American War — Volume 1.

The Canadian Brothers, or the Prophecy Fulfilled a Tale of the Late American War — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 269 pages of information about The Canadian Brothers, or the Prophecy Fulfilled a Tale of the Late American War — Volume 1.

To reach Hog Island, it was necessary to pass by the tannery and cottage already described, which, latter, it will be remembered, had been the scene of a singular adventure to our hero, and his servant on the night of their reconnoitring the coast, in obedience to the order of the Commodore.  By the extraordinary and almost romantic incidents of that night, the imagination of Gerald had been deeply impressed, and on retiring to his rude couch within the battery he had fully made up his mind to explore further into the mysterious affair, with as little delay as possible after the expected fall of the American fortress.  In the hurry, confusion, and excitement, of that event however, his original intention was forgotten; or, rather so far delayed, that it was not until the third or fourth day of his establishment in the town, that it occurred to him to institute inquiry.  He had accordingly repaired thither, but finding the house carefully shut up, and totally uninhabited, had contented himself with questioning the tanner and his family, in regard to its late inmates, reserving to a future opportunity the attempt to make himself personally acquainted with all that it contained.  From this man he learnt, that, the house had once been the property of an aged Canadian, at whose death (supposed to have been occasioned by violence,) it had passed into the hands of an American, who led a roving and adventurous life, being frequently away for months together, and then returning with a canoe, but never continuing for more than a night or two.  That latterly it had been wholly deserted by its owner, in consequence of which it had been taken possession of, and used as quarters by the officers of the American guard, stationed at this part of the town, for the protection of the boats, and as a check upon the incursions of the Indians.  In all this statement, there was every appearance of truth, but in no part of it did Gerald find wherewith to elucidate what he himself had witnessed.  He described the costume, and questioned of the mysterious figure, but the only reply he obtained from the independent tanner, when he admitted to him that he had been so near a visitor on that occasion, and had seen what he described, was an expressed regret that he had not been “wide awake when any Brittainer ventured to set foot upon his grounds, otherwise, tarnation seize him with all due respect, if he wouldn’t a stuck an ounce o’ lead in the region of his bread-basket, as quickly as he would tan a hide,” a patriotic sentiment in which it may be supposed our hero in no way coincided.  With the tanners assurance, however, that no living thing was there at this moment, Gerald was fain to content himself for the present, fully resolving to return at another time with Sambo, and effect a forcible entrance into a place, with which were connected such striking recollections.  He had, however, been too much interested and occupied elsewhere, to find time to devote to the purpose.

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The Canadian Brothers, or the Prophecy Fulfilled a Tale of the Late American War — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.