The Dream Doctor eBook

Arthur B. Reeve
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 352 pages of information about The Dream Doctor.

The Dream Doctor eBook

Arthur B. Reeve
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 352 pages of information about The Dream Doctor.



The alarm wakened me all right, but to my surprise Kennedy had already gone, ahead of it.  I dressed hurriedly, bolted an early breakfast, and made my way to Trimble’s.  He was not there, and I had about concluded to try the laboratory, when I saw him pulling up in a cab from which he took several packages.  Donnelly had joined us by this time, and together we rode up in the elevator to the jewelry department.  I had never seen a department-store when it was empty, but I think I should like to shop in one under those conditions.  It seemed incredible to get into the elevator and go directly to the floor you wanted.

The jewelry department was in the front of the building on one of the upper floors, with wide windows through which the bright morning light streamed attractively on the glittering wares that the clerks were taking out of the safes and disposing to their best advantage.  The store had not opened yet, and we could work unhampered.

From his packages, Kennedy took three black boxes.  They seemed to have an opening in front, while at one side was a little crank, which, as nearly as I could make out, was operated by clockwork released by an electric contact.  His first problem seemed to be to dispose the boxes to the best advantage at various angles about the counter where the Kimberley Queen was on exhibition.  With so much bric-a-brac and other large articles about, it did not appear to be very difficult to conceal the boxes, which were perhaps four inches square on the ends and eight inches deep.  From the boxes with the clockwork attachment at the side he led wires, centring at a point at the interior end of the aisle where we could see but would hardly be observed by any one standing at the jewelry counter.

Customers had now begun to arrive, and we took a position in the background, prepared for a long wait.  Now and then Donnelly casually sauntered past us.  He and Craig had disposed the store detectives in a certain way so as to make their presence less obvious, while the clerks had received instructions how to act under the circumstance that a suspicious person was observed.

Once when Donnelly came up he was quite excited.  He had just received a message from Bentley that some of the stolen property, the pearls, probably, from the dog collar that had been taken from Shorham’s, had been offered for sale by a “fence” known to the police as a former confederate of Annie Grayson.

“You see, that is one great trouble with them all,” he remarked, with his eye roving about the store in search of anything irregular.  “A shoplifter rarely becomes a habitual criminal until after she passes the age of twenty-five.  If they pass that age without quitting, there is little hope of their getting right again, as you see.  For by that time they have long since begun to consort with thieves of the other sex.”

Project Gutenberg
The Dream Doctor from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.