Blacky the Crow, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about Blacky the Crow,.

Blacky the Crow, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about Blacky the Crow,.

CHAPTER XXX:  Blacky Screws Up His Courage

If out of sight, then out of mind.  This is a saying which you often hear.  It may be true sometimes, but it is very far from true at other times.  Take the case of Blacky.  He had had only a glance into that nest just inside the door of Farmer Brown’s henhouse, but that glance had been enough to show him two eggs there.  Then, as he flew away toward the Green Forest, those eggs were out of sight, of course.  But do you think they were out of mind?  Not much!  No, indeed!  In fact, those eggs were very much in Blacky’s mind.  He couldn’t think of anything else.  He flew straight to a certain tall pine-tree in a lonely part of the Green Forest.  Whenever Blacky wants to think or to plan mischief, he seeks that particular tree, and in the shelter of its broad branches he keeps out of sight of curious eyes, and there he sits as still as still can be.

“I want one of those eggs,” muttered Blacky, as he settled himself in comfort on a certain particular spot on a certain particular branch of that tall pine-tree.  Indeed, that particular branch might well be called the “mischief branch,” for on it Blacky has thought out and planned most of the mischief he is so famous for.  “Yes, sir,” he continued, “I want one of those eggs, and what is more, I am going to have one.”

He half closed his eyes and tipped his head back and swallowed a couple of times, as if he already tasted one of those eggs.

“There is more in one of those eggs than in a whole nestful of Welcome Robin’s eggs.  It is a very long time since I have been lucky enough to taste a hen’s egg, and now is my chance.  I don’t like having to go inside that henhouse, even though it is barely inside the door.  I’m suspicious of doors.  They have a way of closing most unexpectedly.

I might see if I cannot get Unc’ Billy Possum to bring one of those eggs out for me.  But that plan won’t do, come to think of it, because I can’t trust Unc’ Billy.  The old sinner is too fond of eggs himself.  I would be willing to divide with him, but he would be sure to eat his first, and I fear that it would taste so good that he would eat the other.  No.  I’ve got to get one of those eggs myself.  It is the only way I can be sure of it.

“The thing to do is to make sure that Farmer Brown’s boy and Farmer Brown himself are nowhere about.  They ought to be down in the cornfield pretty soon.  With them down there, I have only to watch my chance and slip in.  It won’t take but a second.  Just a little courage, Blacky, just a little courage!  Nothing in this world worth having is gained without some risk.  The thing to do is to make sure that the risk is as small as possible.”

Blacky shook out his feathers and then flew out of the tall pine-tree as silently as he had flown into it.  He headed straight toward Farmer Brown’s cornfield.  When he was near enough to see all over the field, he dropped down to the top of a fence post, and there he waited. he didn’t have long to wait.  In fact, he had been there but a few minutes

Project Gutenberg
Blacky the Crow, from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.