Moral eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 89 pages of information about Moral.

Moral eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 89 pages of information about Moral.

Schmettau.  Indeed it is.  Immediately it dawns on me that she is right.  The situation is getting terrible.  That policeman is likely to demand His Highness’ identification.  What shall we do?  Madame says, “For Heaven’s sake hide in the wardrobe!” Outside, that fool is making quite a rumpus.  He knocks, rings, shouts and barks.  The neighborhood is getting aroused and heads are popping out from right and left and in the midst of this terrible commotion, there we stand—­Highness and I. What shall we do?  A few moments later, His Highness is cramped beside me in the wardrobe, in between different pieces of woman’s apparel.  With great difficulty we are able to draw our breath.

Stroebel.  If I had only had an inkling about it.

Commissioner [angrily].  The police are expected to grasp conditions.

Schmettau.  Then what followed?  In heavy-nailed shoes the men go from room to room.  Doors are opened and slammed.  The fellows use loud and coarse language, and three or four times they stand in front of the wardrobe.  Upon my word, I actually feel how His Highness is perspiring.  Just picture to yourself the situation if that brute had opened the closet!  Just picture that and you can realize how much courage I had!

Commissioner.  You must have suffered terribly.

Schmettau.  What I suffered does not matter.  In such moments one does not think of anything else but Highness.  What an outrage!  Finally the steps disappear.  Madame Hauteville, who throughout behaved most decently and whose conduct was above reproach, is led away and Highness and I can leave the wardrobe where we spent an entire twenty minutes.  And now I ask again, “How can such mistakes happen?”

Commissioner [to Assessor].  You shall find the answer to this.

Schmettau.  Upstairs the woman is still in her cell.  The newspapers are full of the scandal, and Highness suffers agonies when he realizes the possibilities which can develop at any moment.

Commissioner.  Herr Baron, you need not worry any longer.  Now I am taking the matter entirely into my hands. [Consulting his watch, he speaks with affected calmness.] It is now a quarter to one.  This evening at eight o’clock Madame de Hauteville will be set free and everything will be so arranged that her discharge will arouse no suspicion.

Stroebel.  But how are you going to do it ...?

Commissioner.  The details of this arrangement are your affair.



(Beermann’s library.  Elegantly furnished.  A desk is backed up against a large bay-window on the right.  Opposite is a large book-case, and next to this a sofa.  A long double door with small French panes somewhat to the left.  On the left of stage a small table and a few comfortable leather chairs.  On the right a simple door.

Project Gutenberg
Moral from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.