The Age of Fable eBook

Thomas Bulfinch
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,207 pages of information about The Age of Fable.

The Age of Fable eBook

Thomas Bulfinch
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,207 pages of information about The Age of Fable.
at her request a recital of the closing events of the Trojan history and his own adventures after the fall of the city.  Dido was charmed with his discourse and filled with admiration of his exploits.  She conceived an ardent passion for him, and he for his part seemed well content to accept the fortunate chance which appeared to offer him at once a happy termination of his wanderings, a home, a kingdom, and a bride.  Months rolled away in the enjoyment of pleasant intercourse, and it seemed as if Italy and the empire destined to be founded on its shores were alike forgotten.  Seeing which, Jupiter despatched Mercury with a message to Aeneas recalling him to a sense of his high destiny, and commanding him to resume his voyage.

Aeneas parted from Dido, though she tried every allurement and persuasion to detain him.  The blow to her affection and her pride was too much for her to endure, and when she found that he was gone, she mounted a funeral pile which she had caused to be erected, and having stabbed herself was consumed with the pile.  The flames rising over the city were seen by the departing Trojans, and, though the cause was unknown, gave to Aeneas some intimation of the fatal event.

The following epigram we find in “Elegant Extracts”: 


   “Unhappy, Dido, was thy fate
    In first and second married state! 
    One husband caused thy flight by dying,
    Thy death the other caused by flying”


After touching at the island of Sicily, where Acestes, a prince of Trojan lineage, bore sway, who gave them a hospitable reception, the Trojans re-embarked, and held on their course for Italy.  Venus now interceded with Neptune to allow her son at last to attain the wished-for goal and find an end of his perils on the deep.  Neptune consented, stipulating only for one life as a ransom for the rest.  The victim was Palinurus, the pilot.  As he sat watching the stars, with his hand on the helm, Somnus sent by Neptune approached in the guise of Phorbas and said:  “Palinurus, the breeze is fair, the water smooth, and the ship sails steadily on her course.  Lie down awhile and take needful rest.  I will stand at the helm in your place.”  Palinurus replied, “Tell me not of smooth seas or favoring winds,—­me who have seen so much of their treachery.  Shall I trust Aeneas to the chances of the weather and the winds?” And he continued to grasp the helm and to keep his eyes fixed on the stars.  But Somnus waved over him a branch moistened with Lethaean dew, and his eyes closed in spite of all his efforts.  Then Somnus pushed him overboard and he fell; but keeping his hold upon the helm, it came away with him.  Neptune was mindful of his promise and kept the ship on her track without helm or pilot, till Aeneas discovered his loss, and, sorrowing deeply for his faithful steersman, took charge of the ship himself.

Project Gutenberg
The Age of Fable from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.