King Midas: a Romance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 390 pages of information about King Midas.

King Midas: a Romance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 390 pages of information about King Midas.

As a matter of fact, it was of the greatest consequence; for that incident marked the turning point of the battle in Helen’s heart.  Her power seemed to go from her with every turn of the wheels that brought her nearer to that dreaded place, and she became more and more silent, and more conscious of the fearful fact that her wretchedness was mastering her again.  It seemed to her terrified imagination as if everything was growing dark and threatening, as before the breaking of a thunderstorm.

“You must indeed dislike Hilltown, Miss Davis,” said her companion, smiling.  “Why are you so very silent?”

Helen made no reply; she scarcely heard him, in fact, so taken up was she with what was taking place in her own mind; all her thoughts then were about Arthur and what had become of him, and what he was thinking about her; and chiefest of all, because her cheeks and forehead had a fearfully conscious feeling, what he would think, could he know what she had just been doing.  Thus it was that as the houses of Hilltown drew near, remorse and shame and terror were rising, and her frantic protests against them were weakening, until suddenly every emotion was lost in suspense, and the shadows of the great elm-trees that arched the main street of the town closed them in.  Helen knew the house where Arthur lodged, and knew that she should pass it in another minute; she could do nothing but wait and watch and tremble.

The carriage rattled on, gazed at by many curious eyes, for everyone in Hilltown knew about the young beauty and the prize she had caught; but Helen saw no one, and had eyes for only one thing, the little white house where Arthur lodges.  The carriage swept by and she saw no one, but she saw that the curtain of Arthur’s room was drawn, and she shuddered at the thought, “Suppose he should be dying!” Yet it was a great load off her mind to have escaped seeing him, and she was beginning to breathe again and ask herself if she still might not win the battle, when the carriage came to the end of the town, and to a sight that froze her blood.

There was a tavern by the roadside, a low saloon that was the curse of the place, and she saw from the distance a figure come out of the door.  Her heart gave a fearful throb, for it was a slender figure, clad in black, hatless and with disordered hair and clothing.  In a moment more, as Helen clutched the rail beside her and stared wildly, the carriage had swept on and come opposite the man; and he glanced up into Helen’s eyes, and she recognized the face, in spite of all its ghastly whiteness and its sunken cheeks; it was Arthur!

There was just an instant’s meeting of their looks, and then the girl was whirled on; but that one glance was enough to leave her as if paralyzed.  She made no sound, nor any movement, and so her companion did not even know that anything had happened until they had gone half a mile farther; then as he chanced to glance at her he reined up his horses with a cry.

Project Gutenberg
King Midas: a Romance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.