Work: a Story of Experience eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 443 pages of information about Work.
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Work: a Story of Experience eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 443 pages of information about Work.

For a while it diverted Christie, as she had a feminine love for pretty things, and enjoyed seeing delicate silks, costly lace, and all the indescribable fantasies of fashion.  But as spring came on, the old desire for something fresh and free began to haunt her, and she had both waking and sleeping dreams of a home in the country somewhere, with cows and flowers, clothes bleaching on green grass, bob-o’-links making rapturous music by the river, and the smell of new-mown hay, all lending their charms to the picture she painted for herself.

Most assuredly she would have gone to find these things, led by the instincts of a healthful nature, had not one slender tie held her till it grew into a bond so strong she could not break it.

Among her companions was one, and one only, who attracted her.  The others were well-meaning girls, but full of the frivolous purposes and pleasures which their tastes prompted and their dull life fostered.  Dress, gossip, and wages were the three topics which absorbed them.  Christie soon tired of the innumerable changes rung upon these themes, and took refuge in her own thoughts, soon learning to enjoy them undisturbed by the clack of many tongues about her.  Her evenings at home were devoted to books, for she had the true New England woman’s desire for education, and read or studied for the love of it.  Thus she had much to think of as her needle flew, and was rapidly becoming a sort of sewing-machine when life was brightened for her by the finding of a friend.

Among the girls was one quiet, skilful creature, whose black dress, peculiar face, and silent ways attracted Christie.  Her evident desire to be let alone amused the new comer at first, and she made no effort to know her.  But presently she became aware that Rachel watched her with covert interest, stealing quick, shy glances at her as she sat musing over her work.  Christie smiled at her when she caught these glances, as if to reassure the looker of her good-will.  But Rachel only colored, kept her eyes fixed on her work, and was more reserved than ever.

This interested Christie, and she fell to studying this young woman with some curiosity, for she was different from the others.  Though evidently younger than she looked, Rachel’s face was that of one who had known some great sorrow, some deep experience; for there were lines on the forehead that contrasted strongly with the bright, abundant hair above it; in repose, the youthfully red, soft lips had a mournful droop, and the eyes were old with that indescribable expression which comes to those who count their lives by emotions, not by years.

Strangely haunting eyes to Christie, for they seemed to appeal to her with a mute eloquence she could not resist.  In vain did Rachel answer her with quiet coldness, nod silently when she wished her a cheery “good morning,” and keep resolutely in her own somewhat isolated corner, though invited to share the sunny window where the other sat.  Her eyes belied her words, and those fugitive glances betrayed the longing of a lonely heart that dared not yield itself to the genial companionship so freely offered it.

Project Gutenberg
Work: a Story of Experience from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.