The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 75 pages of information about The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke.

The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 75 pages of information about The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke.

She never magged; she never said no word. 
An’ when I speaks, it seems she never ’eard. 
  I could ‘a’ sung a nim, I feels so gay! 
If she ’ad only roused I might ‘a’ smiled. 
She jist seems ‘urt an’ crushed; not even riled. 
      I turns away,
An’ yanks me carkis out into the yard,
Like some whipped pup; an’ kicks meself reel ’ard.

An’ then, I sneaks to bed, an’ feels dead crook. 
Fer golden quids I couldn’t face that look
  That trouble in the eyes uv my Doreen. 
Aw, strike!  Wot made me go an’ do this thing? 
I feel jist like a chewed up bit of string,
      An’ rotten mean! 
Fer ‘arf an hour I lies there feelin’ cheap;
An’ then I s’pose, I muster fell asleep....

“‘Ere, Kid, drink this"...I wakes, an’ lifts me ’ead,
An’ sees ‘er standin’ there beside the bed;
  A basin in ’er ‘ands; an’ in ’er eyes
(Eyes that wiv unshed tears is shinin’ wet)—­
The sorter look I never shall ferget,
      Until I dies. 
“‘Ere, Kid, drink this,” she sez, an’ smiles at me. 
I looks—­an’ spare me days!  It was beef tea!

Beef tea!  She treats me like a hinvaleed! 
Me! that ’as caused ‘er lovin’ ’eart to bleed. 
  It ‘urts me worse than maggin’ fer a week! 
’Er! ’oo ’ad right to turn dead sour on me,
Fergives like that, an’ feeds me wiv beef tea... 
       I tries to speak;
An’ then—­I ain’t ashamed o’ wot I did—­
I ‘ides me’ blubbers like a kid.

XII.  Uncle Jim

“I got no time fer wasters, lad,” sez’e,
  “Give me a man wiv grit,” sez Uncle Jim. 
’E bores ’is cute ole eyes right into me,
  While I stares ‘ard an’ gives it back to ’im. 
Then orl at once ’e grips me ’and in ’is: 
“Some’ow,” ’e sez, “I likes yer ugly phiz.”

“You got a look,” ’e sez, “like you could stay;
  Altho’ yeh mauls King’s English when yeh yaps,
An’ ’angs flash frills on ev’rythink yeh say. 
  I ain’t no grammarist meself, per’aps,
But langwidge is a ’elp, I owns,” sez Unk,
“When things is goin’ crook.”  An’ ’ere ’e wunk.

“Yeh’ll find it tough,” ’e sez, “to knuckle down. 
  Good farmin’ is a gift—­like spoutin’ slang. 
Yeh’ll ‘ave to cut the luxuries o’ town,
  An’ chuck the manners of this back-street gang;
Fer country life ain’t cigarettes and beer.” 
“I’m game,” I sez.  Sez Uncle, “Put it ’ere!”

Like that I took the plunge, an’ slung the game. 
  I’ve parted wiv them joys I ’eld most dear;
I’ve sent the leery bloke that bore me name
  Clean to the pack wivout one pearly tear;
An’ frum the ashes of a ne’er-do-well
A bloomin’ farmer’s blossomin’ like ’ell.

Farmer!  That’s me!  Wiv this ’ere strong right ’and
  I’ve gripped the plough; and blistered jist a treat. 
Doreen an’ me ’as gone upon the land. 
  Yours truly fer the burden an’ the ’eat! 
Yours truly fer upendin’ chunks o’ soil! 
The ’ealthy, ’ardy, ‘appy son o’ toil!

Project Gutenberg
The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.