A Treatise of Human Nature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 785 pages of information about A Treatise of Human Nature.

A Treatise of Human Nature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 785 pages of information about A Treatise of Human Nature.


But the relation, which is esteemed the closest, and which of all others produces most commonly the passion of pride, is that of property.  This relation it will be impossible for me fully to explain before I come to treat of justice and the other moral virtues.  It is sufficient to observe on this occasion, that property may be defined, such a relation betwixt a person and an. object as permits him, but forbids any other, the free use and possession of it, without violating the laws of justice and moral equity.  If justice, therefore, be a virtue, which has a natural and original influence on the human mind, property may be looked upon as a particular species of causation; whether we consider the liberty it gives the proprietor to operate as he please upon the object or the advantages, which he reaps from it.  It is the same case, if justice, according to the system of certain philosophers, should be esteemed an artificial and not a natural virtue.  For then honour, and custom, and civil laws supply the place of natural conscience, and produce, in some degree, the same effects.  This in the mean time is certain, that the mention of the property naturally carries our thought to the proprietor, and of the proprietor to the property; which being a proof of a perfect relation of ideas is all that is requisite to our present purpose.  A relation of ideas, joined to that of impressions, always produces a transition of affections; and therefore, whenever any pleasure or pain arises from an object, connected with us by property. we may be certain, that either pride or humility must arise from this conjunction of relations; if the foregoing system be solid and satisfactory.  And whether it be so or not, we may soon satisfy ourselves by the most cursory view of human life.

Every thing belonging to a vain man is the best that is any where to be found.  His houses, equipage, furniture, doaths, horses, hounds, excel all others in his conceit; and it is easy to observe, that from the least advantage in any of these, he draws a new subject of pride and vanity.  His wine, if you’ll believe him, has a finer flavour than any other; his cookery is more exquisite; his table more orderly; his servants more expert; the air, in which he lives, more healthful; the soil he cultivates more fertile; his fruits ripen earlier and to greater perfection:  Such a thing is remarkable for its novelty; such another for its antiquity:  This is the workmanship of a famous artist; that belonged once to such a prince or great man:  All objects, in a word, that are useful, beautiful or surprising, or are related to such, may, by means of property, give rise to this passion.  These agree in giving pleasure, and agree in nothing else.  This alone is common to them; and therefore must be the quality that produces the passion, which is their common effect.  As every new instance is a new argument, and as the instances are here without number, I may venture to affirm, that scarce any system was ever so fully proved by experience, as that which I have here advanced.

Project Gutenberg
A Treatise of Human Nature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.