Whitefoot the Wood Mouse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 83 pages of information about Whitefoot the Wood Mouse.

Whitefoot the Wood Mouse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 83 pages of information about Whitefoot the Wood Mouse.

Jumper, having stopped worrying about himself, began to worry about Whitefoot.  He knew that Whitefoot had seen Whitey arrive on that stump and that was why he had dodged back into bis hole and since then had not even poked his nose out.  But that had been so long ago that by this time Whitefoot must think that Whitey had gone on about his business, and Jumper expected to see Whitefoot appear any moment.  What Jumper didn’t know was that Whitefoot’s bright little eyes had all the time been watching Whitey from another little hole in the snow some distance away.  A tunnel led from this little hole to the first little hole.

Suddenly off among the trees something moved.  At least, Jumper thought he saw something move.  Yes, there it was, a little black spot moving swiftly this way and that way over the snow.  Jumper stared very hard.  And then his heart seemed to jump right up in his throat.  It did so.  He felt as if he would choke.  That black spot was the tip end of a tail, the tail of a small, very slim fellow dressed all in white, the only other one in all the Green Forest who dresses all in white.  It was Shadow the Weasel!  In his white winter coat he is called Ermine.

He was running this way and that way, back and forth, with his nose to the snow.  He was hunting, and Jumper knew that sooner or later Shadow would find him.  Safety from Shadow lay in making the best possible use of those long legs of his, but to do that would bring Whitey the Owl swooping after him.  What to do Jumper didn’t know.  And so he did nothing.  It happened to be the wisest thing he could do.

CHAPTER XII:  Whitey The Owl Saves Jumper

   It often happens in the end
   An enemy may prove a friend.
      — Whitefoot.

Was ever any one in a worse position than Jumper the Hare?  To move would be to give himself away to Whitey the Snowy Owl.  If he remained where he was very likely Shadow the Weasel would find him, and the result would be the same as if he were caught by Whitey the Owl.  Neither Whitey nor Shadow knew he was there, but it would be only a few minutes before one of them knew it.  At least, that is the way it looked to Jumper.

Whitey wouldn’t know it unless he moved, but Shadow the Weasel would find his tracks, and his nose would lead him straight there.  Back and forth, back and forth, this way, that way and the other way, just a little distance off, Shadow was running with his nose to the snow.  He was hunting —­ hunting for the scent of some one whom he could kill.  In a few minutes he would be sure to find where Jumper had been, and then his nose would lead him straight to that tree at the foot of which Jumper was crouching.

Nearer and nearer came Shadow.  He was slim and trim and didn’t look at all terrible.  Yet there was no one in all the Green Forest more feared by the little people in fur, by Jumper, by Peter Rabbit, by Whitefoot, even by Chatterer the Red Squirrel.

Project Gutenberg
Whitefoot the Wood Mouse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.