Manuel Pereira eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about Manuel Pereira.

Manuel Pereira eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about Manuel Pereira.

The Savannah Republican, of the 11th September, says-"We have been kindly furnished with the particulars of a duel which came off at Major Stark’s plantation, opposite this city, yesterday morning, between Colonel E. M. Whaley, and E. E. Jenkins, of South Carolina.”  Another paper stated that “after a single exchange of shot, * * * * the affair terminated, but without a reconciliation.”  The same Colonel Whaley!  Either ’of these journals might have give particulars more grievous, and equally as expressive of Southern life.  They might have described a beautiful wife, a Northern lady, fleeing with her two children, to escape the abuses of a faithless husband-taking shelter in the Charleston Hotel, and befriended by Mr. Jenkins and another young man, whose name we shall not mention-and that famous establishment surrounded by the police on a Sabbath night, to guard its entrances-and she dragged forth, and carried back to the home of unhappiness.


The habeas corpus.

The Captain of the Janson had settled his business, and was anxious to return home.  He had done all in his power for Manuel, and notwithstanding the able exertions of the consul were combined with his, he had effected nothing to relieve him.  The law was imperative, and if followed out, there was no alternative for him, except upon the ground of his proving himself entitled to a white man’s privileges.  To do this would require an endless routine of law, which would increase his anxiety and suffering twofold.  Mr. Grimshaw had been heard to say, that if an habeas corpus were sued out, he should stand upon the technicality of an act of the legislature, refuse to answer the summons or give the man up.  No, he would himself stand the test upon the point of right to the habeas corpus, and if he was committed for refusing to deliver up the prisoner, he would take advantage of another act of the legislature, and after remaining a length of time in jail, demand his release according to the statutes.  So far was Mr. Grimshaw impressed with his own important position in the matter, and of the course which he should pursue, that he several times told the prisoners that he should be a prisoner among them in a few days, to partake of the same fare.

Judge Withers, however, saved him the necessity of such important trouble.  To those acquainted with Judge Withers it would be needless to dwell upon the traits of his character.  To those who are not, we can say that his were feelings founded upon interest-moving in the foremost elements of secession-arbitrary, self-willed, and easily swayed by prejudice-a man known to the public and the bar for his frigidity, bound in his own opinions, and yielding second to the wishes and principles of none-fearful of his popularity as a judge, yet devoid of those sterling principles which deep jurists bring to their aid when considering important questions, where life or liberty is at stake-a mind that would rather reinstate monarchy than spread the blessings of a free government.  What ground have we here to hope for a favorable issue?

Project Gutenberg
Manuel Pereira from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.