The Errand Boy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 210 pages of information about The Errand Boy.

The Errand Boy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 210 pages of information about The Errand Boy.

Phil was too severe upon himself.  I suspect that most of my boy readers, even those who account themselves sharp, might have been deceived as easily.  The fact is, rogues are usually plausible, and they are so trained in deception that it is no reflection upon their victims that they allow themselves to be taken in.

Hours passed, and still Phil found himself a prisoner.  Each moment he became more anxious and troubled.

“How long will they keep me?” he asked himself.  “They can’t keep me here forever.”

About six o’clock the door was opened slightly, and a plate of bread and butter was thrust in, together with a glass of cold water.  Who brought it up Phil did not know, for the person did not show himself or herself.

Phil ate and drank what was provided, not that he was particularly hungry, but he felt that he must keep up his strength.

“They don’t mean to starve me, at any rate,” he reflected.  “That is some consolation.  While there is life, there is hope.”

A little over an hour passed.  It became dark in Phil’s prison, but he had no means of lighting the gas.  There was a small bed in the room, and he made up his mind that he must sleep there.

All at once there was a confused noise and disturbance.  He could not make out what it meant, till above all other sounds he heard the terrible cry of “Fire!”

“Fire!  Where is it?” thought Phil.

It was not long before he made a terrible discovery.  It was the very house in which he was confined!  There was a trampling of feet and a chorus of screams.  The smoke penetrated into the room.

“Heavens!  Am I to be burned alive!” thought our poor hero.

He jumped up and down on the floor, pounded frantically on the door, and at last the door was broken open by a stalwart fireman, and Phil made his way out, half-suffocated.

Once in the street, he made his way as fast as possible homeward.


Phil’s friends and his enemies.

Meanwhile, Phil’s long absence had excited anxiety and alarm.

“What can have become of Philip?” said Mr. Carter when supper time came and he did not arrive.

“I can’t think,” answered Mrs. Forbush.  “He is generally very prompt.”

“That is what makes me feel anxious.  I am afraid something must have happened to him.”

“Did you send him anywhere, Uncle Oliver?”

“Yes; he called, as usual, to get my check from Mr. Pitkin.”

“And he ought to have been here earlier?”

“Certainly.  He wouldn’t have to wait for that.”

“Philip is very careful.  I can’t think that he has met with an accident.”

“Even the most prudent and careful get into trouble sometimes.”

They were finally obliged to sit down to supper alone.  None of the three enjoyed it.  Not only Mr. Carter and Mrs. Forbush, but Julia was anxious and troubled.

Project Gutenberg
The Errand Boy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.