In His Steps eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about In His Steps.

In His Steps eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about In His Steps.


The editor of the News has always advocated the principles of the great political party at present in power, and has heretofore discussed all political questions from the standpoint of expediency, or of belief in the party as opposed to other political organizations.  Hereafter, to be perfectly honest with all our readers, the editor will present and discuss all political questions from the standpoint of right and wrong.  In other words, the first question asked in this office about any political question will not be, “Is it in the interests of our party?” or, “Is it according to the principles laid down by our party in its platform?” but the question first asked will be, “Is this measure in accordance with the spirit and teachings of Jesus as the author of the greatest standard of life known to men?” That is, to be perfectly plain, the moral side of every political question will be considered its most important side, and the ground will be distinctly taken that nations as well as individuals are under the same law to do all things to the glory of God as the first rule of action.

The same principle will be observed in this office toward candidates for places of responsibility and trust in the republic.  Regardless of party politics the editor of the News will do all in his power to bring the best men into power, and will not knowingly help to support for office any candidate who is unworthy, no matter how much he may be endorsed by the party.  The first question asked about the man and about the measures will be, “Is he the right man for the place?” “Is he a good man with ability?” “Is the measure right?”

There had been more of this, but we have quoted enough to show the character of the editorial.  Hundreds of men in Raymond had read it and rubbed their eyes in amazement.  A good many of them had promptly written to the news, telling the editor to stop their paper.  The paper still came out, however, and was eagerly read all over the city.  At the end of a week Edward Norman knew very well that he was fast losing a large number of subscribers.  He faced the conditions calmly, although Clark, the managing editor, grimly anticipated ultimate bankruptcy, especially since Monday’s editorial.

Tonight, as Maxwell read to his wife, he could see in almost every column evidences of Norman’s conscientious obedience to his promise.  There was an absence of slangy, sensational scare heads.  The reading matter under the head lines was in perfect keeping with them.  He noticed in two columns that the reporters’ name appeared signed at the bottom.  And there was a distinct advance in the dignity and style of their contributions.

“So Norman is beginning to get his reporters to sign their work.  He has talked with me about that.  It is a good thing.  It fixes responsibility for items where it belongs and raises the standard of work done.  A good thing all around for the public and the writers.”

Project Gutenberg
In His Steps from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.