Lavengro; the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 843 pages of information about Lavengro; the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest.

Lavengro; the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 843 pages of information about Lavengro; the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest.

’No, dear, I will not sell my volume for two silver crowns; no, nor for the golden one in the king’s tower down there; without my book I should mope and pine, and perhaps fling myself into the river; but I am glad you like it, which shows that I was right about you, after all; you are one of our party, and you have a flash about that eye of yours which puts me just in mind of my dear son.  No, dear, I won’t sell you my book; but, if you like, you may have a peep into it whenever you come this way.  I shall be glad to see you; you are one of the right sort, for, if you had been a common one, you would have run away with the thing; but you scorn such behaviour, and, as you are so flash of your money, though you say you are poor, you may give me a tanner to buy a little baccy with; I love baccy, dear, more by token that it comes from the plantations to which the blessed woman was sent.’

‘What’s a tanner?’ said I.

’Lor! don’t you know, dear?  Why, a tanner is sixpence; and, as you were talking just now about crowns, it will be as well to tell you that those of our trade never calls them crowns, but bulls; but I am talking nonsense, just as if you did not know all that already, as well as myself; you are only shamming—­I’m no trap, dear, nor more was the blessed woman in the book.  Thank you, dear—­thank you for the tanner; if I don’t spend it, I’ll keep it in remembrance of your sweet face.  What, you are going?—­well, first let me whisper a word to you.  If you have any clies to sell at any time, I’ll buy them of you; all safe with me; I never peach, and scores a trap; so now, dear, God bless you! and give you good luck.  Thank you for your pleasant company, and thank you for the tanner.’


The tanner—­The hotel—­Drinking claret—­London journal—­New field—­Commonplaceness—­The three individuals—­Botheration—­Frank and ardent.

‘Tanner!’ said I musingly, as I left the bridge; ’Tanner! what can the man who cures raw skins by means of a preparation of oak bark and other materials have to do with the name which these fakers, as they call themselves, bestow on the smallest silver coin in these dominions?  Tanner!  I can’t trace the connection between the man of bark and the silver coin, unless journeymen tanners are in the habit of working for sixpence a day.  But I have it,’ I continued, flourishing my hat over my head, ‘tanner, in this instance, is not an English word.’  Is it not surprising that the language of Mr. Petulengro and of Tawno Chikno is continually coming to my assistance whenever I appear to be at a nonplus with respect to the derivation of crabbed words?  I have made out crabbed words in AEschylus by means of the speech of Chikno and Petulengro, and even in my Biblical researches I have derived no slight assistance from it.  It appears to be a kind of picklock, an open sesame, Tanner—­Tawno! the one is but a modification of the other; they were originally identical, and have still much the same signification.  Tanner, in the language of the apple-woman, meaneth the smallest of English silver coins; and Tawno, in the language of the Petulengres, though bestowed upon the biggest of the Romans, according to strict interpretation signifieth a little child.

Project Gutenberg
Lavengro; the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.