The Ghetto and Other Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 38 pages of information about The Ghetto and Other Poems.

The Ghetto and Other Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 38 pages of information about The Ghetto and Other Poems.


A uniformed front,
A glance like a blow,
The swing of an arm,
Verved, vigorous;
Boot-heels clanking
In metallic rhythm;
The blows of a baton,
Quick, staccato...

—­There is a rustling along the benches
As of dried leaves raked over... 
And the old man lifts a shaking palsied hand,
Tucking the displaced paper about his knees.

And a frost under foot,
Acid, corroding,
Eating through worn bootsoles.

Drab forms blur into greenish vapor. 
Through boughs like cross-bones,
Pale arcs flare and shiver
Like lilies in a wind.

High over Broadway
A far-flung sign
Glitters in indigo darkness
And spurts again rhythmically,
Spraying great drops
Red as a hemorrhage.


A spring wind on the Bowery,
Blowing the fluff of night shelters
Off bedraggled garments,
And agitating the gutters, that eject little spirals of vapor
Like lewd growths.

Bare-legged children stamp in the puddles, splashing each other,
One—­with a choir-boy’s face
Twits me as I pass... 
The word, like a muddied drop,
Seems to roll over and not out of
The bowed lips,
Yet dewy red
And sweetly immature.

People sniff the air with an upward look—­
Even the mite of a girl
Who never plays... 
Her mother smiles at her
With eyes like vacant lots
Rimming vistas of mean streets
And endless washing days... 
Yet with sun on the lines
And a drying breeze.

The old candy woman
Shivers in the young wind. 
Her eyes—­littered with memories
Like ancient garrets,
Or dusty unaired rooms where someone died—­
Ask nothing of the spring.

But a pale pink dream
Trembles about this young girl’s body,
Draping it like a glowing aura.

She gloats in a mirror
Over her gaudy hat,
With its flower God never thought of...

And the dream, unrestrained,
Floats about the loins of a soldier,
Where it quivers a moment,
Warming to a crimson
Like the scarf of a toreador...

But the delicate gossamer breaks at his contact
And recoils to her in strands of shattered rose.


Drab discoloration
Of faces, façades, pawn-shops,
Second-hand clothing,
Smoky and fly-blown glass of lunch-rooms,
Odors of rancid life...

Deadly uniformity
Of eyes and windows
Alike devoid of light... 
Holes wherein life scratches—­
Mangy life
Nosing to the gutter’s end...

Show-rooms and mimic pillars
Flaunting out of their gaudy vestibules
Bosoms and posturing thighs...

Over all the Elevated
Droning like a bloated fly.

Project Gutenberg
The Ghetto and Other Poems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.