The Odd Women eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 529 pages of information about The Odd Women.

The Odd Women eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 529 pages of information about The Odd Women.
years, young in physique, young in emotion.  As a girl she had dreamt passionately, and the fires of her nature, though hidden beneath aggregations of moral and mental attainment, were not yet smothered.  An hour of lassitude filled her with despondency, none the less real because she was ashamed of it.  If only she had once been loved, like other women—­if she had listened to an offer of devotion, and rejected it—­her heart would be more securely at peace.  So she thought.  Secretly she deemed it a hard thing never to have known that common triumph of her sex.  And, moreover, it took away from the merit of her position as a leader and encourager of women living independently.  There might be some who said, or thought, that she made a virtue of necessity.

Everard Barfoot’s advances surprised her not a little.  Judging him as a man wholly without principle, she supposed at first that this was merely his way with all women, and resented it as impertinence.  But even then she did not dislike the show of homage; what her mind regarded with disdain, her heart was all but willing to feed upon, after its long hunger.  Barfoot interested her, and not the less because of his evil reputation.  Here was one of the men for whom women—­doubtless more than one—­had sacrificed themselves; she could not but regard him with sexual curiosity.  And her interest grew, her curiosity was more haunting, as their acquaintance became a sort of friendship; she found that her moral disapprobation wavered, or was altogether forgotten.  Perhaps it was to compensate for this that she went the length of outraging Miss Barfoot’s feelings on the death of Bell a Royston.

Certainly she thought with much frequency of Barfoot, and looked forward to his coming.  Never had she wished so much to see him again as after their encounter in Chelsea Gardens, and on that account she forced herself to hold aloof when he came.  It was not love, nor the beginning of love; she judged it something less possible to avow.  The man’s presence affected her with a perturbation which she had no difficulty in concealing at the time, though afterwards it distressed and shamed her.  She took refuge in the undeniable fact that the quality of his mind made an impression upon her, that his talk was sympathetic.  Miss Barfoot submitted to this influence; she confessed that her cousin’s talk had always had a charm for her.

Could it be that this man reciprocated, and more than reciprocated, her complex feeling?  To-day only accident had prevented him from making an avowal of love—­unless she strangely mistook him.  All the evening she had dwelt on this thought; it grew more and more astonishing.  Was he worse than she had imagined?  Under cover of independent thought, of serious moral theories, did he conceal mere profligacy and heartlessness?  It was an extraordinary thing to have to ask such questions in relation to herself.  It made her feel as if she had to learn herself anew, to form a fresh conception of her personality.  She the object of a man’s passion!

Project Gutenberg
The Odd Women from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.