Nature Cure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Nature Cure.

Nature Cure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Nature Cure.

On the 21st day, the osteopathic physician sent a specimen to the city laboratory which they pronounced “positive,” and the city physician found it necessary to take as many as four or five additional specimens before he pronounced him free from the diphtheria germ.  The boy was not released from quarantine until five weeks had passed.

During all this time his only attendant was his mother and the osteopathic physician who came daily.  The boy has fully recovered and has suffered no bad results that often follow such diseases.

In contrast to this experience of ours, I would like to cite the case of a neighbor of ours whose little girl died of the disease under the antitoxin treatment.  She recovered from the diphtheria, but her heart failed and she died suddenly.  They had a regular M. D. and a trained nurse.  Her mother took ill, but recovered.  The father told me that their drug bill alone amounted to $75.

We want to express to you our gratitude for the knowledge and confidence that you have so freely given to us, and you are at liberty to make whatever use of this letter that you desire.

Sincerely yours,


1443 Cuyler Ave., Chicago, Ill.

This letter proves that my claims and assertions regarding the curability of diphtheria by natural methods are not extravagant or untrue.  In this case, as in many others, I gave directions for treatment verbally and over the telephone without having seen the patient personally.

I am convinced, furthermore, that this patient would have made just as good a recovery without the osteopathic treatment.  I recommended the attendance of an osteopathic physician in order to ease the burden of responsibility on the part of the parents.  If the child had died, they would have been blamed by friends and relatives for their seeming foolhardiness.

The experience of Mr. White’s neighbor is another proof of the fatal effect of the antitoxin treatment.  The antitoxin “cured” the diphtheria, but-the child died!

Once more I repeat:  The hydropathic treatment will give equally good results in appendicitis, meningitis, scarlet fever, and all other forms of acute diseases.  If this be a fact, why should not my colleagues of the Regular School of Medicine give the hydropathic method a fair trial, the more so since in Germany, even among the physicians of the Regular School, hydropathy as a remedy is fast superseding antitoxin!  Is it not worth while when the “mysterious sequelae” referred to by Dr. Osler, and the many cases of chronic invalidism which he does not connect with the disease or its treatment, might thus be avoided?

Chapter XVII


The pernicious aftereffects of vaccination upon the system are similar to those of the various serum and antitoxin treatments.

Project Gutenberg
Nature Cure from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.