Nature Cure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Nature Cure.

Nature Cure eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 370 pages of information about Nature Cure.

“Now I want to tell you why it is so.  It is because allopathic physicians, and many homeopaths as well, do not properly cure it.  I do not believe gonorrhoea to be a local disease.  If it is not properly cured, a constitutional poison which may be transmitted to the children is developed.  I know, from years of experience and observation, that gonorrhoea is a serious difficulty, and one, too, that complicates many cases that we have to treat.

“The same is true of syphilis in a modified degree.  Gonorrhoea seems to attack the nobler tissues, the lungs, the heart, and the nervous system, all of which are reached by syphilis only after the lapse of years.”

The Destructive After-Effects of Mercury

Concerning the destructive after-effects of mercury, of which homeopaths have made a most careful study, Professor Farrington says, on pages 558-559 of the same volume: 

“The more remote symptoms of mercurial poisoning are these:  You will find that the blood becomes impoverished.  The albumin and fibrin of that fluid are affected.  They are diminished, and you find in their place a certain fatty substance, the composition of which I do not exactly know.  Consequently, as a prominent symptom, the body wastes and emaciates.  The patient suffers from fever which is rather hectic in its character.  The periosteum becomes affected, and you then have a characteristic group of mercurial pains, bone pains worse in changes of the weather, worse in the warmth of the bed, and chilliness with or after stool.  The skin becomes rather of a brownish hue; ulcers form, particularly on the legs; they are stubborn and will not heal.  The patient is troubled with sleeplessness and ebullitions of blood at night; he is hot and cannot sleep; he is thrown quickly into a perspiration, which perspiration gives him no relief.

“The entire system suffers also, and you have here two series of symptoms.  At first the patient becomes anxious and restless and cannot remain quiet; he changes his position; he moves about from place to place; he seems to have a great deal of anxiety about the heart, praecordial anguish, as it is termed, particularly at night.

“Then, in another series of symptoms, there are jerkings of the limbs, making the patient appear as though he were attacked by St. Vitus’ dance.  Or, you may notice what is more common yet, trembling of the hands, this tremor being altogether beyond the control of the patient and gradually spreading over the entire body, giving you a resemblance to paralysis agitans or shaking palsy.

“Finally, the patient becomes paralyzed, cannot move his limbs, his mind becomes lost, and he presents a perfect picture of imbecility.  He does all sorts of queer things.  He sits in the corner with an idiotic smile on his face, playing with straws; he is forgetful, he cannot remember even the most ordinary events.  He becomes disgustingly filthy and eats his own excrement.  In fact, he is a perfect idiot.

Project Gutenberg
Nature Cure from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.