The Complete Essays of John Galsworthy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 213 pages of information about The Complete Essays of John Galsworthy.

The Complete Essays of John Galsworthy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 213 pages of information about The Complete Essays of John Galsworthy.

And this time, with a “Thank you, kindly!” he touched his horse’s flank with the whip.  Like a thing aroused from sleep the forgotten creature started and began to draw the cabman away from us.  Very slowly they travelled down the road among the shadows of the trees broken by lamplight.  Above us, white ships of cloud were sailing rapidly across the dark river of sky on the wind which smelled of change.  And, after the cab was lost to sight, that wind still brought to us the dying sound of the slow wheels. 1910.


Wet and hot, having her winter coat, the mare exactly matched the drenched fox-coloured beech-leaf drifts.  As was her wont on such misty days, she danced along with head held high, her neck a little arched, her ears pricked, pretending that things were not what they seemed, and now and then vigorously trying to leave me planted on the air.  Stones which had rolled out of the lane banks were her especial goblins, for one such had maltreated her nerves before she came into this ball-room world, and she had not forgotten.

There was no wind that day.  On the beech-trees were still just enough of coppery leaves to look like fires lighted high-up to air the eeriness; but most of the twigs, pearled with water, were patterned very naked against universal grey.  Berries were few, except the pink spindle one, so far the most beautiful, of which there were more than Earth generally vouchsafes.  There was no sound in the deep lanes, none of that sweet, overhead sighing of yesterday at the same hour, but there was a quality of silence—­a dumb mist murmuration.  We passed a tree with a proud pigeon sitting on its top spire, quite too heavy for the twig delicacy below; undisturbed by the mare’s hoofs or the creaking of saddle leather, he let us pass, absorbed in his world of tranquil turtledoves.  The mist had thickened to a white, infinitesimal rain-dust, and in it the trees began to look strange, as though they had lost one another.  The world seemed inhabited only by quick, soundless wraiths as one trotted past.

Close to a farm-house the mare stood still with that extreme suddenness peculiar to her at times, and four black pigs scuttled by and at once became white air.  By now we were both hot and inclined to cling closely together and take liberties with each other; I telling her about her nature, name, and appearance, together with comments on her manners; and she giving forth that sterterous, sweet snuffle, which begins under the star on her forehead.  On such days she did not sneeze, reserving those expressions of her joy for sunny days and the crisp winds.  At a forking of the ways we came suddenly on one grey and three brown ponies, who shied round and flung away in front of us, a vision of pretty heads and haunches tangled in the thin lane, till, conscious that they were beyond their beat, they faced the bank and, one by one, scrambled over to join the other ghosts out on the dim common.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Essays of John Galsworthy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.