Monsieur Lecoq eBook

Émile Gaboriau
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 365 pages of information about Monsieur Lecoq.

Monsieur Lecoq eBook

Émile Gaboriau
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 365 pages of information about Monsieur Lecoq.

Upon the unoccupied tract of land, which the people of the neighborhood called the “plain,” a small but very bright light was seen describing the most capricious evolutions.  It moved here and there without any apparent aim, tracing the most inexplicable zigzags, sometimes sinking to the earth, sometimes rising to a height of four or five feet, at others remaining quite motionless, and the next second flying off like a ball.  In spite of the place and the season of the year, the less ignorant among vagabonds believed the light to be some ignis fatuus, one of those luminous meteors that raise from the marshes and float about in the atmosphere at the bidding of the wind.  In point of fact, however, this ignis fatuus was the lantern by the light of which the two police agents were pursuing their investigations.

After thus suddenly revealing his capacity to his first disciple, Lecoq found himself involved in a cruel perplexity.  He had not the boldness and promptness of decision which is the gift of a prosperous past, and was hesitating between two courses, both equally reasonable, and both offering strong probabilities of success.  He stood between two paths, that made by the two women on the one side, and that made by the accomplice on the other.  Which should he take?  For he could not hope to follow both.  Seated upon the log where the women had rested a few moments before, with his hand pressed upon his forehead, he reflected and weighed the chances.

“If I follow the man I shall learn nothing that I do not know already.  He has gone to hover round the party; he has followed them at a distance, he has seen them lock up his accomplice, and he is undoubtedly prowling round about the station house.  If I hurried in pursuit, could I hope to overtake and capture him?  No; too long a time has elapsed.”

Father Absinthe listened to this monologue with intense curiosity, as anxious as an unsophisticated person who, having questioned a clairvoyant in regard to some lost articles, is waiting the oracle’s response.

“To follow the women,” continued the young man, “to what would that lead?  Perhaps to an important discovery, perhaps to nothing.”

However, he preferred the unknown, which, with all its chances of failure, had chances of success as well.  He rose, his course was decided.

“Father Absinthe,” said he, “we are going to follow the footprints of these two women, and wherever they lead us we will go.”

Inspired with equal ardor they began their walk.  At the end of the path upon which they had entered they fancied they observed, as in some magic glass, the one the fruits, the other the glory of success.  They hurried forward.  At first it was only play to follow the distinct footprints that led toward the Seine.  But it was not long before they were obliged to proceed more slowly.

On leaving the waste ground they arrived at the outer limits of civilization, so to speak; and strange footprints mingled constantly with the footprints of the fugitives, at times even effacing them.  In many spots, either on account of exposure or the nature of the soil, the thaw had completed its work, and there were large patches of ground entirely free from snow.  In such cases they lost the trail, and it required all Lecoq’s sagacity and all his companion’s good-will to find it again.

Project Gutenberg
Monsieur Lecoq from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.