The Jewel of Seven Stars eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 326 pages of information about The Jewel of Seven Stars.

The Jewel of Seven Stars eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 326 pages of information about The Jewel of Seven Stars.

She turned away; I could see that she was crying quietly.  It was evident to me that even in the midst of her trouble and anxiety there was a chagrin that she knew so little of her father; and that her ignorance had to be shown at such a time and amongst so many strangers.  That they were all men did not make the shame more easy to bear, though there was a certain relief in it.  Trying to interpret her feelings I could not but think that she must have been glad that no woman’s eyes—­of understanding greater than man’s—­were upon her in that hour.

When I stood up from my examination, which verified to me that of the Doctor, the latter resumed his place beside the couch and went on with his ministrations.  Superintendent Dolan said to me in a whisper: 

“I think we are fortunate in our doctor!” I nodded, and was about to add something in praise of his acumen, when there came a low tapping at the door.

II Strange Instructions

Superintendent Dolan went quietly to the door; by a sort of natural understanding he had taken possession of affairs in the room.  The rest of us waited.  He opened the door a little way; and then with a gesture of manifest relief threw it wide, and a young man stepped in.  A young man clean-shaven, tall and slight; with an eagle face and bright, quick eyes that seemed to take in everything around him at a glance.  As he came in, the Superintendent held out his hand; the two men shook hands warmly.

“I came at once, sir, the moment I got your message.  I am glad I still have your confidence.”

“That you’ll always have,” said the Superintendent heartily.  “I have not forgotten our old Bow Street days, and I never shall!” Then, without a word of preliminary, he began to tell everything he knew up to the moment of the newcomer’s entry.  Sergeant Daw asked a few questions—­a very few—­when it was necessary for his understanding of circumstances or the relative positions of persons; but as a rule Dolan, who knew his work thoroughly, forestalled every query, and explained all necessary matters as he went on.  Sergeant Daw threw occasionally swift glances round him; now at one of us; now at the room or some part of it; now at the wounded man lying senseless on the sofa.

When the Superintendent had finished, the Sergeant turned to me and said: 

“Perhaps you remember me, sir.  I was with you in that Hoxton case.”

“I remember you very well,” I said as I held out my hand.  The Superintendent spoke again: 

“You understand, Sergeant Daw, that you are put in full charge of this case.”

“Under you I hope, sir,” he interrupted.  The other shook his head and smiled as he said: 

“It seems to me that this is a case that will take all a man’s time and his brains.  I have other work to do; but I shall be more than interested, and if I can help in any possible way I shall be glad to do so!”

Project Gutenberg
The Jewel of Seven Stars from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.