The Duke's Children eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 842 pages of information about The Duke's Children.

The Duke's Children eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 842 pages of information about The Duke's Children.



It was custom with Mrs Finn almost every autumn to go off to Vienna, where she possessed considerable property, and there to inspect the circumstances of her estate.  Sometimes her husband would accompany her, and he did so in this year of which we are now speaking.  One morning in September they were together at an hotel at Ischi, whither they had come from Vienna, when as they went through the hall into the courtyard, they came, in the very doorway, upon the Duke of Omnium and his daughter.  The Duke and Lady Mary had just arrived, having passed through the mountains from the salt-mine district, and were about to take up their residence in the hotel for a few days.  They had travelled very slowly, for Lady Mary had been ill, and the Duke had expressed his determination to see a doctor at Ischi.

There is no greater mistake than in supposing that only the young blush.  But the blushes of middle-life are luckily not seen through the tan which has come from the sun and the gas and the work and wiles of the world.  Both the Duke and Phineas blushed; and though their blushes were hidden, that peculiar glance of the eye which always accompanies a blush was visible enough from the one to the other.  The elder lady kept her countenance admirably, and the younger one had no occasion for blushing.  She at once ran forward and kissed her friend.  The Duke stood with his hat off waiting to give his hand to the lady, and then took that of his late colleague.  ‘How odd that we should meet here,’ he said, turning to Mrs Finn.

‘Odd enough to us that your Grace should be here,’ she said, ‘because we had heard nothing of your intended coming.’

‘It is so nice to find you,’ said Lady Mary.  ’We are this moment come.  Don’t say that you are this moment going.’

‘At this moment we are only going as far as Halstadt.’

’And are coming back to dinner?  Of course they will dine with us.  Will they not, papa?’ The Duke said that he hoped they would.  To declare that you are engaged at an hotel, unless there be some real engagement is almost an impossibility.  There was no escape, and before they were allowed to get into their carriage they had promised that they would dine with the Duke and his daughter.

‘I don’t know that it is especially a bore,’ Mrs Finn said to her husband in the carriage.  ’You may be quite sure that of whatever trouble there may be in it, he has much more than his share.’

‘His share would be the whole,’ said the husband.  ’No one else has done anything wrong.’

When the Duke’s apology had reached her, so that there was no longer any ground for absolute hostility, then she had told the whole story to her husband.  He at first was very indignant.  What right had the Duke to expect that any ordinary friend should act duenna over his daughter in accordance with his caprices?  This was said and much more of this kind.  But any humour towards quarrelling which Phineas Finn might have felt for a day or so was quieted by his wife’s prudence.  ‘A man,’ she said, ’can do no more than apologise.  After that there is not room for reproach.’

Project Gutenberg
The Duke's Children from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.