Children of the Whirlwind eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 380 pages of information about Children of the Whirlwind.

Children of the Whirlwind eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 380 pages of information about Children of the Whirlwind.


The next morning Larry tried to force his mind to attend strictly to Miss Sherwood’s affairs.  But in this effort he was less than fifty per cent effective.  His experience of the night before had been too exciting, too provocative of speculation, too involved with what he frankly recognized to be the major interest of his life, to allow him to apply himself with perfect and unperturbed concentration to the day’s routine.  Constantly he was seeing the transformed Maggie in the cerise evening gown with the fan of green plumes—­seeing her elaborate setting in her suite at the Grantham—­hearing that vaguely familiar but unplaceable voice outside her door—­recalling the frenzied effort with which Maggie had so swiftly effected his escape.

This last matter puzzled him greatly.  If she were so angered at him as she had declared, if she so distrusted him, why had she not given him up when she had had him at her mercy?  Could it be that, despite her words, she had an unacknowledged liking for him?  He did not dare let himself believe this.

Again and again he thought of this adventure in whose very middle Maggie now was, and of whose successful issue she had proudly boasted to him.  It was indeed something big, as she had said; that establishment at the Grantham was proof of this.  Larry could now perceive the adventure’s general outlines.  There was nothing original in what he perceived; and the plan, so far as he could see it, would not have interested him in the least as a novel creation of the brain were not Maggie its central figure, and were not Barney and Old Jimmie her directing agents.  A pretty woman was being used as a lure to some rich man, and his infatuation for her was to cause him to part with a great deal of money:  some variation of this ancient idea, which has a thousand variations—­that was the plan.

Obviously the enterprise was not directed at some gross victim whose palate might permit his swallowing anything.  If any one item essentially proved this, it was the item of the overwhelmingly respectable chaperon.  Maggie was being presented as an innocent, respectable, young girl; and the victim, whoever he was, was the type of man for whom only such a type of girl would have a compelling appeal.

And this man—­who was he?  Ever and again he tried to place the man’s voice, with its faintly familiar quality, but it kept dodging away like a dream one cannot quite recall.

The whole business made Larry rage within himself.  Maggie to be used in such a way!  He did not blame Maggie, for he understood her.  Also he loved her.  She was young, proud, willful, had been trained to regard such adventures as colorful and legitimate; and had not lived long enough for experience to teach her otherwise.  No, Maggie was not to blame.  But Old Jimmie!  He would like to twist Old Jimmie’s neck!  But then Old Jimmie was Maggie’s father; and the mere fact of Old Jimmie being Maggie’s father would, he knew, safeguard the old man from his wrath even were he at liberty to go forth and act.

Project Gutenberg
Children of the Whirlwind from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.