Original Short Stories — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 124 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 10.

Original Short Stories — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 124 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 10.

“He got up, choking, took my hands and kissed them as if they had belonged to a prince, cried, nearly fainted, embraced Rivet and even kissed Madame Morin, who gave him such a push as to send him staggering back into his chair; but he never got over the blow; his mind had been too much upset.  In all the country round, moreover, he was called nothing but ‘that pig of a Morin,’ and that epithet went through him like a sword-thrust every time he heard it.  When a street boy called after him ‘Pig!’ he turned his head instinctively.  His friends also overwhelmed him with horrible jokes and used to ask him, whenever they were eating ham, ‘Is it a bit of yourself?’ He died two years later.

“As for myself, when I was a candidate for the Chamber of Deputies in 1875, I called on the new notary at Fousserre, Monsieur Belloncle, to solicit his vote, and a tall, handsome and evidently wealthy lady received me.  ‘You do not know me again?’ she said.  And I stammered out:  ‘Why—­no—­madame.’  ‘Henriette Bonnel.’  ‘Ah!’ And I felt myself turning pale, while she seemed perfectly at her ease and looked at me with a smile.

“As soon as she had left me alone with her husband he took both my hands, and, squeezing them as if he meant to crush them, he said:  ’I have been intending to go and see you for a long time, my dear sir, for my wife has very often talked to me about you.  I know—­yes, I know under what painful circumstances you made her acquaintance, and I know also how perfectly you behaved, how full of delicacy, tact and devotion you showed yourself in the affair—­’ He hesitated and then said in a lower tone, as if he had been saying something low and coarse, ’in the affair of that pig of a Morin.’”


They called him Saint Anthony, because his name was Anthony, and also, perhaps, because he was a good fellow, jovial, a lover of practical jokes, a tremendous eater and a heavy drinker and a gay fellow, although he was sixty years old.

He was a big peasant of the district of Caux, with a red face, large chest and stomach, and perched on two legs that seemed too slight for the bulk of his body.

He was a widower and lived alone with his two men servants and a maid on his farm, which he conducted with shrewd economy.  He was careful of his own interests, understood business and the raising of cattle, and farming.  His two sons and his three daughters, who had married well, were living in the neighborhood and came to dine with their father once a month.  His vigor of body was famous in all the countryside.  “He is as strong as Saint Anthony,” had become a kind of proverb.

At the time of the Prussian invasion Saint Anthony, at the wine shop, promised to eat an army, for he was a braggart, like a true Norman, a bit of a, coward and a blusterer.  He banged his fist on the wooden table, making the cups and the brandy glasses dance, and cried with the assumed wrath of a good fellow, with a flushed face and a sly look in his eye:  “I shall have to eat some of them, nom de Dieu!” He reckoned that the Prussians would not come as far as Tanneville, but when he heard they were at Rautot he never went out of the house, and constantly watched the road from the little window of his kitchen, expecting at any moment to see the bayonets go by.

Project Gutenberg
Original Short Stories — Volume 10 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.