The Mob eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 68 pages of information about The Mob.

The Mob eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 68 pages of information about The Mob.

More.  ’Ware Mob! [He gives a laugh] I must write to the Chief.

     Katherine makes an impulsive movement towards him; then quietly
     goes to the bureau, sits down and takes up a pen.

Katherine.  Let me make the rough draft. [She waits] Yes?

More. [Dictating]

“July 15th.

Dear sir Charles, After my speech to-night, embodying my most unalterable convictions [Katherine turns and looks up at him, but he is staring straight before him, and with a little movement of despair she goes on writing] I have no alternative but to place the resignation of my Under-Secretaryship in your hands.  My view, my faith in this matter may be wrong—­but I am surely right to keep the flag of my faith flying.  I imagine I need not enlarge on the reasons——­”

The curtain falls.


Before noon a few days later.  The open windows of the dining-room let in the sunlight.  On the table a number of newspapers are littered.  Helen is sitting there, staring straight before her.  A newspaper boy runs by outside calling out his wares.  At the sound she gets up anti goes out on to the terrace.  Hubert enters from the hall.  He goes at once to the terrace, and draws Helen into the room.

Helen.  Is it true—­what they’re shouting?

Hubert.  Yes.  Worse than we thought.  They got our men all crumpled up in the Pass—­guns helpless.  Ghastly beginning.

Helen.  Oh, Hubert!

Hubert.  My dearest girl!

Helen puts her face up to his.  He kisses her.  Then she turns quickly into the bay window.  The door from the hall has been opened, and the footman, Henry, comes in, preceding Wreford and his sweetheart.

Henry.  Just wait here, will you, while I let Mrs. More know. [Catching sight of Hubert] Beg pardon, sir!

Hubert.  All right, Henry. [Off-hand] Ah!  Wreford! [The footman withdraws] So you’ve brought her round.  That’s good!  My sister’ll look after her—­don’t you worry!  Got everything packed?  Three o’clock sharp.

Wreford. [A broad faced soldier, dressed in khaki with a certain look of dry humour, now dimmed-speaking with a West Country burr] That’s right, zurr; all’s ready.

     Helen has come out of the window, and is quietly looking at
     Wreford and the girl standing there so awkwardly.

Helen. [Quietly] Take care of him, Wreford.

Hubert.  We’ll take care of each other, won’t we, Wreford?

Helen.  How long have you been engaged?

The girl. [A pretty, indeterminate young woman] Six months. [She sobs suddenly.]

Project Gutenberg
The Mob from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.