Allan's Wife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about Allan's Wife.

Allan's Wife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about Allan's Wife.

“Now, Macumazahn,” he went on, “bid the men leave us alone, and then follow me presently to the little glade down there by the water.”

I did so.  When I reached the glade I found Indaba-zimbi kindling a small fire under the shadow of a tree by the edge of the water.

“Sit there, Macumazahn,” he said, pointing to a stone near the fire, “and do not be surprised or frightened at anything you see.  If you move or call out we shall learn nothing.”

I sat down and watched.  When the fire was alight and burning brightly, the old fellow stripped himself stark naked, and, going to the foot of the pool, dipped himself in the water.  Then he came back shivering with the cold, and, leaning over the little fire, thrust leaves of the plant I have mentioned into his mouth and began to chew them, muttering as he chewed.  Most of the remaining leaves he threw on to the fire.  A dense smoke rose from them, but he held his head in this smoke and drew it down his lungs till I saw that he was exhibiting every sign of suffocation.  The veins in his throat and chest swelled, he gasped loudly, and his eyes, from which tears were streaming, seemed as though they were going to start from his head.  Presently he fell over on his side, and lay senseless.  I was terribly alarmed, and my first impulse was to run to his assistance, but fortunately I remembered his caution, and sat quiet.

Indaba-zimbi lay on the ground like a person quite dead.  His limbs had all the utter relaxation of death.  But as I watched I saw them begin to stiffen, exactly as though rigor mortis had set in.  Then, to my astonishment, I perceived them once more relax, and this time there appeared upon his chest the stain of decomposition.  It spread and spread; in three minutes the man, to all appearance, was a livid corpse.

I sat amazed watching this uncanny sight, and wondering if any further natural process was about to be enacted.  Perhaps Indaba-zimbi was going to fall to dust before my eyes.  As I watched I observed that the discoloration was beginning to fade.  First it vanished from the extremities, then from the larger limbs, and lastly from the trunk.  Then in turn came the third stage of relaxation, the second stage of stiffness or rigor, and the first stage of after-death collapse.  When all these had rapidly succeeded each other, Indaba-zimbi quietly woke up.

I was too astonished to speak; I simply looked at him with my mouth open.

“Well, Macumazahn,” he said, putting his head on one side like a bird, and nodding his white lock in a comical fashion, “it is all right; I have seen her.”

“Seen who?” I said.

“The Star, your wife, and the little maid.  They are much frightened, but unharmed.  The Babyan-frau watches them.  She is mad, but the baboons obey her, and do not hurt them.  The Star was sleeping from weariness, so I whispered in her ear and told her not to be frightened, for you would soon rescue her, and that meanwhile she must seem to be pleased to have Hendrika near her.”

Project Gutenberg
Allan's Wife from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.