Urban Sketches eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 70 pages of information about Urban Sketches.

Urban Sketches eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 70 pages of information about Urban Sketches.

But this is a harmless habit compared to a certain reprehensible practice in which sundry feeble-minded young men indulge.  I have been stopped in the street and enthusiastically accosted by some fashionable young man, who has engaged me in animated conversation, until (quite accidentally) a certain young belle would pass, whom my friend, of course, saluted.  As, by a strange coincidence, this occurred several times in the course of the week, and as my young friend’s conversational powers invariably flagged after the lady had passed, I am forced to believe that the deceitful young wretch actually used me as a conventional background to display the graces of his figure to the passing fair.  When I detected the trick, of course I made a point of keeping my friend, by strategic movements, with his back toward the young lady, while I bowed to her myself.  Since then, I understand that it is a regular custom of these callow youths to encounter each other, with simulated cordiality, some paces in front of the young lady they wish to recognize, so that she cannot possibly cut them.  The corner of California and Montgomery streets is their favorite haunt.  They may be easily detected by their furtive expression of eye, which betrays them even in the height of their apparent enthusiasm.

Speaking of eyes, you can generally settle the average gentility and good breeding of the people you meet in the street by the manner in which they return or evade your glance.  “A gentleman,” as the Autocrat has wisely said, is always “calm-eyed.”  There is just enough abstraction in his look to denote his individual power and the capacity for self-contemplation, while he is, nevertheless, quietly and unobtrusively observant.  He does not seek, neither does he evade your observation.  Snobs and prigs do the first; bashful and mean people do the second.  There are some men who, on meeting your eye, immediately assume an expression quite different from the one which they previously wore, which, whether an improvement or not, suggests a disagreeable self-consciousness.  Perhaps they fancy they are betraying something.  There are others who return your look with unnecessary defiance, which suggests a like concealment.  The symptoms of the eye are generally borne out in the figure.  A man is very apt to betray his character by the manner in which he appropriates his part of the sidewalk.  The man who resolutely keeps the middle of the pavement, and deliberately brushes against you, you may be certain would take the last piece of pie at the hotel table, and empty the cream-jug on its way to your cup.  The man who sidles by you, keeping close to the houses, and selecting the easiest planks, manages to slip through life in some such way, and to evade its sternest duties.  The awkward man, who gets in your way, and throws you back upon the man behind you, and so manages to derange the harmonious procession of an entire block, is very apt to do the same thing in political and social economy.  The

Project Gutenberg
Urban Sketches from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.